As Reported in The NOT SORRY NEWS: In late September this year the Jewish High Court Judge Mordecai Bromberg ruled that Melbourne journalist, Andrew Bolt, had racially vilified 9 alleged Aborigines by pointing out that although they were as Fair-skinned as the whitest Australian and some having had very little Aboriginal ancestry, they nevertheless chose to identify as Aborigines, many for reasons of gain.
In his articles (2009), Bolt criticised these fair-skinned Aborigines for what he argued was a choice they made, as people with mostly European blood, to emphasise their indigenous heritage over their white heritage. He wrote that some of these fair-skinned Abos, whom he called "political Aboriginality", had received prominence or indigenous awards because they chose to identify with their scant Aboriginality.
The Jewish lawyer for the so-called Aborigines, Ron Merkel, said Bolt was free to express his views on the subject, but should not have chosen to attack the 9 individuals he named in his newspaper columns and blog. He even had the nerve to compare his blog with Nazi writings against the Jews in Germany that asserted that they provoked the rise of the holocaust! Neil Young, lawyer for Bolt, said that was preposterous and argued that freedom of speech trumped other rights and was the cornerstone of democracy.
Mr Bolt took the stand and argued that those who chose to identify with only one part of their background were contributing to racism and came at the cost of less focus on the important issues of education, housing, health and poverty. Unfortunately Judge Bromberg, probably relating to the nasty Holocaust vision by Ron Merkel, ruled against Mr Bolt and every other white Australian with an opinion on the matter. In essence, this insane verdict by Bromberg is endorsing the crazy Racial Vilification Act, which can be used as a battering ram by everybody except white Caucasians to try and silence any criticism of every two-bit minority that wants to play the Race Card.
Andrew Bolt published the absolute and unvarnished truth about Aboriginality. There is not a shadow of a doubt that the 9 plaintiffs have used traces of Aboriginal ancestry to identify as being Aboriginal. What this means is that a person with one-sixteenth Aboriginal ancestry can legitimately imply that he or she is a full-blood Abo and use this as a vehicle to claim all sorts of benefits. It can be easily proven that some of these 9 plaintiffs have exactly that. What a rort!
The Way I See It...that idiot judge has now politicised genetic science by ruling that these and other Abos standing can be legally changed and legally recognised if that person asserts that he is of the race chosen by him...screw DNA testing. This concept these 9 Abos are attesting to and want put into the law books is so stupid, racist and down-right wrong.
We stand right behind Andrew Bolt and his comments about these nine "ghost'' Aborigines. We and many in the journalistic and legal profession condemn this ridiculously stupid verdict by Bromberg and state that this sort of action brings the whole system of Australian jurisprudence into utter contempt. How could any same person have anything but contempt for that scumbag Ron Merkel for pursuing litigation that tramples on the very fundamental concept of freedom of speech, the press and expression, as well as trying to politically and legally overturn scientific fact? Andrew should point-blank refuse to apologise or retract anything has has said in this matter and refuse to pay one cent of compensation. He ought to give those plaintiffs the finger and tell them to stick it up their WHITE asses!
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