Saturday, December 31, 2011
Summer events in Sydney and NEW YEAR ALSO
Friday, December 30, 2011
There Goes Freedom of Speech !

HEAVEN: Another Time, Another Place.
Another year is passing.
A new one begins for us in Australia tomorrow.
Samoa are the first to celebrate the New Year.
Then New Zealand...
With Australia coming sixth and so on...
What will the New Year bring??
No one knows...
None can accurately predict, only God knows.
Some of us my leave this earth next year...
For where??
We are all sinners...YES! we ALL struggle..
BUT, God knows the desires of our hearts,
And He knows, how hard we try.
Perfection will never be ours here on earth.
We have a risen savour in Jesus Christ....
AND, we have the promise of a Heavenly home..
Please listen to this song.. and know where YOU belong.
Believe it... You are covered with His Blood.
Promises, Promises !

1) That he would end the recession and bring back a healthy, booming economy. Has he done it? Obviously not. The crash stopped because of the rescue of Wall Street by George W. Bush's bailout. I don't see any causative link between Obama's trillion-dollar "stimulus package" and his supersize deficits and the modest recovery there is. There is still extremely high unemployment and a housing foreclosure disaster that could take years to resolve. This was a failed promise.
2) That he would "reset'' relations with Russia.He promised to get friendly relations with this important country. Still the Russians mock the U.S. and balk at any cooperation in the U.N. and everywhere else. Another failure.
3) That he would go over the federal budget "line by line" to weed out waste and corruption that would save so much money to help balance the budget.This one was a laughter from day one. He could not possibly go through the millions of lines in the federal budget. It was just a nonsense. As it happened, we have a wildly bigger budget than ever before and deficits on a scale that is genuinely terrifying. So far...another big failure.
4) That he would bring peace to the Middle East.Another bad and naive promise. The Middle East is more dangerous than ever. Kicking out Mubarak from Egypt has given the land of the Nile an anti-Israel, anti-u.S. government that is already working hand in glove with the terrorists in Gaza. Libya has also joined the club. Fail!
5) That he would create a new, peaceful productive relationship with Iran.Oops! Did he really believe that? Was he delusional or just naive? He missed the opportunity to oust that scumbag regime when the young people rioted against rigged elections but sat on his hands instead of extending his support so the revolution eventually was crushed. Big failure.
The Way I See that the man is an inept failure. He couldn't lead a dog down a street much less show some "balls" in the international arena. In an effort to woo over the Muslim world he seems to believe somehow that even criticism of radial extremists of Islam is a slap in the face to their religion as a whole. Americans are angry that he obviously has not taken the war on terror seriously enough, especially when they see that government officials won't even utter the word "Islamic radicalism." That smacks of APPEASEMENT! Maybe his Muslim roots are to blame.
The world knew how that great statesman Winston Churchill felt about appeasing one's enemy. To quote the great man: "An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last." And to add insult to injury, Obama has insulted our two best friends in the world --Britain and Israel --by showing his contempt for them.
It is very hard to find any real pluses in his term so far with his Socialist agenda consistently undermining the very principles that was made America great. This is how great nations fold up. They get small men and women in Big jobs. He should definately not be voted back in as President.
U.S Trumped by China says Trump !

Thursday, December 29, 2011
Capitol Steps - Buy, Buy American Pie
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
I Think Congratulations are in Order

Tuesday, December 27, 2011
A Swag man or a Hobo
Carried his swag (sleeping blanket) on his back.
A blackened old billy to heat his tea.
And a few other items in an dilapidated sugar bag.
I watched a program the other night featuring a man who has wandered homeless for forty years.
He used to be a bank teller.
Then he decided he wanted to roam free, go where he liked and live a natural life.
He draws no government money so I suppose he does, the same as the swaggies of old.
As a child growing up in a small rural community, we often had these men wander into our small farm.
If I was the first to spot one coming over our hill, I'd run to tell my mother.
She prepared a tray of food while he chopped us a load of fire wood.
Then, sitting on our garden bench, under two tall gum trees, this roamer would eat his fill.
He usually had two huge sandwiches, one filled with cold lamb the other tomato, or jam.
Also a pot of hot tea, with milk and sugar on the side, plenty for him to top up on.
I always sat on the ground and watched as he ate without talking.
When he was finished he returned the tray to mum and thanked her, before heading off.
Luke 9: 58
I pray (if you haven't already done so), that you invite Jesus....
Into you home and life today.
* My book can be purchased by clicking on the icon of it in the side bar.
All those who write a review after reading it, will go into the draw for a plush toy 'blue wing' kookaburra, that laughs when pressed.
Contest closes on the 17th January 2012.
Monday, December 26, 2011
BEWARE....the Cult of Deafness!

Psalms 23. IS YOUR HOPE FOR NOW !!
The 23rd Psalm holds many promises.
And those promises are for today, for now.
That's why it begins with......
The Lord IS My Sheppard,
Not WAS my Sheppard..
But IS My Sheppard.
As you watch this video it will reassure Gods promises to you..
Take it into your soul and rest in His eternal love today.
My book can be purchased by clicking on the icon of it in the side bar.
All those who write a review after reading it, will go into the draw for a plush toy 'blue wing' kookaburra, that laughs when pressed.
Contest closes on the 17th January 2012.
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Merry CHRISTmas
"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights.." James 1:17
Merry Christmas to you and your family!
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Christmas Eve Thoughts
Friday, December 16, 2011
My Book Has Arrived! - Praise the Lord.
Unless you go through the stress of writing a book,
you could never imagine the work that is involved.
The Good News is, it's finished!
AND... I was stunned to receive the 'Editors Choice.'
I give thanks to my two daughters for their loving assistance.
Femia was my cover designer.
She turned my photograph into magic.
Femia Shirtliff @ Eufemia Hope P H O T O G R A P H Y & design (facebook)
Daniella was my model, hers is the face on the cover.
Thank are so special. Mum loves you both very much!
My Inspirational Book Verse:
—Luke 1:37 (KJV)
The Story:
Twenty-seven-year-old Ariana Ross has not had an easy life.
Orphaned at two after her parents are murdered, she is raised by her father’s family in Queensland, Australia.
Ariana—who embraces spirituality and refuses to believe life is against
her—eventually becomes a physician. Now, as Ariana heads to new beginnings at a medical practice in Gumbirra, Queensland, she hopes to broaden her horizons, tend to her patients with the help of God’s love, and leave her past behind.
She has no idea how many surprises await to change her life forever.
After relocating, Ariana encounters Zane Lombardi, a handsome, angry stranger who leaves her heart thumping. It is only after another chance encounter with him that she realizes he is an emotionally scarred man who has lost his trust in women. Even so, the pair are so attracted to each other that it seems destiny dictates the potential for a relationship.
As Ariana forges new friendships and heals her patients, Zane must reconcile his past as well as his relationship with God as he looks toward the future.
In this contemporary Christian tale, Ariana finds that
her quest for a new beginning seems to be leading her
to not only love, but also to an amazing discovery that
may bring her inner peace at last.
I hope many purchase this story... and are encouraged!
My prayer is that:
1. The reader realises to use their God given gift's wisely and with a thankful heart.
2. Young women who read this, remember to keep themselves for that special husband.
3. Yes, we reap what we sow.
4. Be compassionate to all.
5. Forgiveness and love is the answer.
6. Never abuse, bully or mistreat anyone.
7. Stand strong in the face of adversity. Remembering, you never stand alone, because God will never leave nor forsake you.
8. Place God first in your life.
** Competition: and the prize is a Laughing Blue Wing Kookaburra.
When you purchase this Book for yourself, a friend or a family member, you will go into the running for the prize. (anywhere in the world)
All you have to do, is purchase the book, then write a small review about it, on the same Book Site, and email it to me also.
The draw will on the 17th January 2012.
Please note: I have extended the draw to give everyone a chance.
Where to buy:
Click below:
Thank you to everyone who has emailed me and shown interest..
This address is in the USA for now, coming to Australia in a few weeks.
BUT...... ordering from there may cost less, even with shipping, than buying here?
I will get back to posting again in the near future.
For now I will leave this post here to give everyone a chance at the competition.
(Plush toy kookaburra that laughs)
Christmas is a busy season.
Stay safe and be blessed.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Just As I Am
I was a young seventeen year old student nurse in a large Sydney hospital.
My best friend Yvonne, persuaded me to attend a church rally.
It was the first time I had ever been to one of those.
I was a shy niave country girl.
Towards the end of the service this song was sung.
Tears rolled down my face as the Words hit home.
Jesus had died for me.
I gave my heart to Him completly that night, and the Holy Spirit filled me with His healing power.
The years of hurt, fear, lonliness and dread disappeared, as I knelt at that Altar, and accepted Him.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
True Love
Our Mille and Marley
“Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law?”
Monday, December 12, 2011
Mary's Boy Child - by Harry Belafonte
I love this older version.
It is so sensitive....
Have you ever thought how old Mary was when the Angel visited her?
It is supposed she was between 12-14years...very young indeed.
Young to have not been afraid when the Angel visited her.
Young to be brave enough to risk a stoning for expecting a child when not married.
Young to have such a complete faith in God.
Young to stand firm in that faith.
In Mary's own Words she confesses:
Only a sinner needs a savour, yet here we read Mary confesses to her own imperfection.
What a wonderful young woman.
No wonder God chose her, as the mother of Jesus.
As a nurse I know a child mainly has the same blood grouping of its father.
The blood in Jesus, came from the Father.
Medics Dummy-Spit Over New Chiro-School

Sunday, December 11, 2011
Sowing Seeds of Good or Evil
We are sowing, daily sowing
Countless seeds of good and ill
Scattered on the level low land
Cast upon the windy hill
Seeds that sink in rich brown farrows
Soft with Heavens gracious rain
Seeds that rest upon the surface
Of the dry unyielding plain
We need to be mindful of, how our seeds (what we say and do) effect others.
What are their consequences?
One of the greatest lessons in life, is to learn that we are accountable for our own choices.
We are responsible for our own acts, and for their intent and outcome.
We need to be mindful...
And with this, I need to say.
I ask forgiveness if I have ever hurt or offended anyone, by my words on here.
Dogie and Frogie friends.
"A gentle answer turns away wrath,
but a harsh word stirs up anger."
Proverbs 15:1
You Trust These Bastards With Your Health?

Belly-Fat Boosts Eye Disease Risk

- A gradual decline in the ability to see objects clearly
- Distorted vision
- Dark or empty spaces blocking the central field of vision
- Dimming of colour vision
The Way I See It....there is currently no cure of Age-related Macular Degeneration but treatments are available that are aimed at maintaining the vision for as long possible. You must visit an eye doctor about seeing if other eye problems that affect vision can be detected. Also an up-to-date glasses prescription is important as well as getting any cataracts and glaucoma treated.
Aside from the new found belly-fat risk just mentioned, there is a now a well-established link between smoking and it makes good sense for women as well as men to avoid or give up smoking as they enter their third trimester of Life.
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Do You See The World With Eye Blinders?
Is your Christian Focus only on what you hear?
Or do you read Gods Word (the Bible) for yourself, asking the Holy Spirit to teach you?
Do you only see straight ahead....
Like a racing horse wearing eye blinders?
Being brought up in one particular faith...
Do you hang on to that as the one and only TRUE way to heaven?
Please don't stop reading, perhaps God is speaking to you today.
Jesus was a Jew, I am not!
I am a Gentile, someone who St Paul was sent by Jesus, to teach.
The very first Christian Faith, which Jesus and His disciples followed was known as:
The Sect Of The Nazarene.
Because of that, Paul was persecuted by the Jews, even though he was a Jew.
In those days a church was known as a sect.
Many readers will not wish to read this..BUT, it is the truth, because, God's Word does not lie.
Only man lies...when deceived by satan, the prince of liars.
Through my life God has lead me to be a part of many different denominations.
I praise Him for allowing this.
Because during my walk I have discovered that most of us choose what suits us.
'It was good enough for my parents, so it is good enough for me."
(Many of our parents used candles, yet we use electric light.)
What we are where we feel is right, and where we think God wants us to be.
Or where we seem to fit in.
Looking at the Bible which is GODS WORD, I know that The Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit
MUST COME FIRST, before any denomination
Go to your Bible and read the following.
Gods Word Says So!
I have come a long way in my faith over my sixty plus years.
After attending a mission Sunday School as a child my love of the Lord was instilled in scripture, prayer and song.And as the Word tells us, when we bring a child up to know Him, it will never depart from it....
I was brought up in the Salvation Army and taught to love and accept every denomination with respect.
So I place no tag of a certain faith on my Blog, although I do belong to one.
In Heaven there will be no sign posts directing one Faith this way and another Faith that way.
As seen in many cemeteries today.. Man makes division! God does not!!
When Jesus died on the cross, he put to death, the hostility between the Jews and the Gentiles,(Ephesians 2:14) that applies to how we should love and accept one another within the body of Christ today.....
God bless all who read these words and become a true follower of Jesus Christ...
Don't leave your denomination, but be a shining light within them.
Thursday, December 8, 2011
The Glory of the Lord
If this were to happen to me, I am sure I would also feel fearful.
The night was calm, and the stars shone.
Then suddenly, an angel appeared..
No light was needed, for Gods Glory shone.
Then perhaps hundreds of thousands of angels appeared...
Wouldn't your heart pound in fear?
Doesn't this make you think?
Angels are around us all the time.
Yet can only be seen, at certain times.
Jesus was not born on the 25th December. Many of you know this.
It was actually a pagan date as the birthday of the Sun God.
I won't get into when I think he may have been born.
The wondrous fact is, God came down to earth as a human child.
He grew up knowing the realities of this world from a human prospective.
No silver spoon in his mouth.
Life was tough.
He understands us, because He cared enough, to be one of us.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Long overdo…
This week we are rowing with Blue Berries for Sal and I plan on sharing our week this weekend.
About me?
Thank you dear heart...
There's not much to tell about me...
I was born three days before Christmas, so my mother named me Crystal.
She thought it went well with our surname of White... and she still thinks this.
Have to love her...she meant well.
How I was teased at school and how I hated the full name.
I got, Snow White (my hair was blond), White wash, and Mary had a little lamb.
My second name of Mary was after an aunt and second aunt.
For the rest..... my testimony is:
Monday, December 5, 2011
Old Man Emu
Every time I look at my photo of Ray and our little dog Monty with the Emu I have to laugh.
We were staying in an outback Caravan Park where an emu roamed.
I thought it belonged to the owners, so told Ray we needed to keep an eye out that Monty didn't take after it.
Ray isn't used to the antics of emu's and let Monty off his lead.
Immediately our little dog took off, chasing the big bird.
Around a shed they raced, out of sight while Ray and I watched, horrified that we'd be asked to leave the park.
Next thing Monty comes running for his life, with the tables turned....
The emu was chasing him at full speed.
Monty ran behind a stunned Ray and myself, diving under the caravan for cover..
Gosh we laughed!!
I went off to apologise to the Park owners.
"Oh, he doesn't belong to us," they reassured.
"And don't feed the thing or he'll be knocking on your door day and night."
Well, it was too late. Ray had already fed it and now we knew who'd been waking us up!
Poor Monty, he kept well away from that big eyed emu in future...
There is was no way, he could out run one of them!
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Australian school phone answering machine message
Hi, I shared this with you a few weeks ago, but something went wrong, and the message failed.
I hope you all get to hear it this time.
What a crack-up.....
This High School is here on the Sunshine Coast of Queensland.
I don't know if it was real, it may have been? And good on them if it was.
Australians don't beat around the bush, they say it for what it is.
Hope you have a good laugh.
Friday, December 2, 2011
The Flame Tree
This tree is called the Illawarra flame tree, or flame kurrajong.
It is a member of the Jacaranda family.
The one in this photo sits on council land at the side of the cemetery on the way to Ray's golf club.
The first of December heralded summer in Australia.
And with the trees flowering everywhere I am beginning to feel a hot bush Christmas in the air.
Last year was a solemn time for all due to the floods.
This year it seems will be very different.
My son Peter will be working away, hundreds of miles from home.
He is a coach captain to the mines in far North Queensland.
The rest of us we will be thinking and praying for Peter not to be by himself on Christmas Day.
The holidays are a joy for many, yet a sad time for the lonely....
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Finishing this blog

Thank you to all who have followed and enjoyed this blog but my health is too poor now to be able to maintain it. My main blogs such as
will continue but I must cut back on what I can do - though I still love sharing some lovely images.