Fruit of the native Blushwood Bush.
Queensland life science company EcoBiotics announced that, following very promising results in treating inoperable tumours in horses and dogs, it was fast-tracking development of the company’s lead cancer drug, EBC-46, into HUMAN clinical trials.
EcoBiotics CEO, Dr Victoria Gordon said “This decision marks a very exciting time for our company. The results from using EBC-46 to treat a range of inoperable tumours in horses and dogs are just so compelling” she said “and this gives us a great deal of confidence that the drug will also work effectively and safely in humans”. EBC-46 is a novel small molecule isolated from a Queensland rainforest plant which works very rapidly by recruiting the patient’s own immune system to destroy the treated tumours. “You can almost see the tumours shrink before your eyes – it is absolutely amazing” said Gordon. “It also has the advantage that it is relatively easy to administer causing minimal trauma to the patient, and unlike most chemotherapy agents, EBC-46 is safe and to date we have seen no significant side effects”. EBC-46 works by activating the bodies own immune system.
When infection attacks the body white blood cells multiply to fight and kill the micro-organisms. With cancer these cells become entrapped forming a toxic unit.
EBC-46 injected into a cancer mass breaks it down enabling the white blood cells to break free and fight, killing off the cancer in a natural body eliminating occurrence.
Praise God! He gives us the remedies.
All we need to do is discover them.
"Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow
Praise Him all creatures here below
Praise Him above. ye Heavenly Hosts
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen"
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