Miraculously Healed Muslim Lays Down Life for Christ
Please click on ABOVE LINK and read this wonderful story with pictures of a Muslim man's
healing through Christ....
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Having a break again ...

I'm having a lot of health tests at the moment and moving into my new flat has been put back to mid-October.
Back when life is not so damn hectic.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Hillsong - At the Cross - With Subtitles/Lyrics
Since I have just written about my daughter Femia,
I felt I would like to feature one of her friends, Darlene
I first met Darlene at Femia's home about twenty three years ago.
They both have similar personalities.
Both are gentle sweet women who love Jesus.
They were expecting their first baby, and later, both gave birth to daughters.
Darlene is now famous and travels the world, spreading the gossip in song.
She sings like an angel...
I PRAY you listen careful to the words of this song...
It will touch your heart with love for Jesus..
And all He did for us.
At The Cross, Jesus Gave His life, For Me.
He is the only person in history, to do this!
Friday, September 23, 2011
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Happy Birthday Femia
On Wednesday the 20th September my eldest daughter Femia celebrated her 45th birthday.
Her hubby was working so I invited her to lunch with us at Gunabul Homestead.
I love the serenity of this place.
Built to withstand the strong Queensland heat the ceilings are 17 ft high.
Her hubby was working so I invited her to lunch with us at Gunabul Homestead.
I love the serenity of this place.
Built to withstand the strong Queensland heat the ceilings are 17 ft high.
Femia, Shiarni, Ray, Daniella and I.
There were only five of us.
Shiarn wanted to show Aunty Femia how long she could handstand.
Daughter Femia granddaughter Shiarn with mother, my daughter Daniella.
Yes she is really a blond..
As a teenager Femia, known as Mia, was a top fashion Sydney model working for Chadwick's Model Management.
She appeared on the catwalk, in magazines, on television and in a movie.
She could have gone on and on.
However, she choose as a Christian to follow Jesus and what he ordered for her life.
Today she is a wife to David,
a mother of three
a photographer to many Christian leaders.
And a Christian Counsellor.
God loves you Femia and so do all who know you.
You are a blessing to all.
"Many women do noble things,
but you surpass them all.”
Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.
Honor her for all that her hands have done,
and let her works bring her praise at the city gate."
but you surpass them all.”
Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.
Honor her for all that her hands have done,
and let her works bring her praise at the city gate."
Proverbs 31:29-31
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
A brood apart: Household pet fish favourites turn tropical terrors if released into the wild

Their brightly-coloured skin and beautiful fins have made them a favourite pet.
But woe betide anyone who releases their guppy fish into the wild for these tropical creatures can upset the other inhabitants of British rivers and streams.
Researchers from the University of St Andrews, in Fife, have found that a lone female can create an entirely new population.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2039857/A-brood-apart-Household-pet-fish-favourites-turn-tropical-terrors-released-wild.html#ixzz1YZb7948t
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Monday, September 19, 2011
Schools Take Note.
Thank you so much Child of God...
I thougth we should share it with the world..
So all of you parents and teachers out there take heed....
We are all accountable for our actions.
"Bring up a child the way he is to go, and he will remain with it all of his life. "
Proverbs 22:6
I thougth we should share it with the world..
So all of you parents and teachers out there take heed....
We are all accountable for our actions.
"Bring up a child the way he is to go, and he will remain with it all of his life. "
Proverbs 22:6
Sunday, September 18, 2011
All About Nancy
Nancy is my closest spiritual friend.
We live miles apart yet I am forever mindful of her.
When we first met, we were both strangers to a new town.
Both nurses, both with European cultural backgrounds and both joining the same church.
Now all of that goes to make a great connection.
She, like I, is exuberant about life, she laughs till she cries, and sees beauty in everything.
Nancy, is so near to my heart.
We were very close, going out together, sharing all our inmost secrets...
And never, taking offense with the other.
Nancy is a soul mate, someone with whom my soul connects.
You all know I have been unable to get around as freely as I did.
It's getting better and with Rays help, I attended church yesterday for the first time in two months.
But on friday a parcel was delivered to my door.
It took me ages to walk and collect it as Ray had gone out.
What a surprise!!
It was from Nancy...
I cried as I opened it and saw all the love in special gifts from her and other friends.
Wonderful notes expressing love and care were tenderly read.
Thank you my sweet sisters-in-Christ..
Just to be remembered~ ~ meant to much.
So on here I want to thank them all.
Thank you Nancy.
Thank you Sister Jean.
Thank you Sister Zena and Sister Prima..
I Love You All. You made my day!!
We live miles apart yet I am forever mindful of her.
When we first met, we were both strangers to a new town.
Both nurses, both with European cultural backgrounds and both joining the same church.
Now all of that goes to make a great connection.
She, like I, is exuberant about life, she laughs till she cries, and sees beauty in everything.
Nancy, is so near to my heart.
We were very close, going out together, sharing all our inmost secrets...
And never, taking offense with the other.
Nancy is a soul mate, someone with whom my soul connects.
You all know I have been unable to get around as freely as I did.
It's getting better and with Rays help, I attended church yesterday for the first time in two months.
But on friday a parcel was delivered to my door.
It took me ages to walk and collect it as Ray had gone out.
What a surprise!!
It was from Nancy...
I cried as I opened it and saw all the love in special gifts from her and other friends.
Wonderful notes expressing love and care were tenderly read.
Thank you my sweet sisters-in-Christ..
Just to be remembered~ ~ meant to much.
So on here I want to thank them all.
Thank you Nancy.
Thank you Sister Jean.
Thank you Sister Zena and Sister Prima..
I Love You All. You made my day!!
"Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourself.
Don't only think about your own affairs,
but be interested in others too,
and what they are doing "
(Philippians 2:3-4 )
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Having a break again ...

Sorry I am just too busy till early October with all sorts of things.
Back when live is not so damn hectic.
Friday, September 16, 2011
Feeling Sorry For Yourself?
Michael Oher
I guess we all feel sorry for ourselves at times...
However, it doesn't get you anywhere if you let it control your life..
Life goes on and we can accept our lot, of continually blame it for not blossoming.
Last night I watched a POWERFUL DVD.... 'The Blind Side'
It was the real life story of a big hearted young man named Michael Oher who was a homeless child from a very young age.
In his own words, Michael says he doesn't hold grudges against anyone for the misfortune he encountered as a child.
"I don't dwell on anything,
I'm not going to feel sorry for myself because I didn't have a place to stay a lot of time.
It is what it is.
We've got to go through some things in life.
Take it and run with it."
I have ordered this DVD for my children for Christmas..
It has a valuable lesson..
It's not where you come from, but where you are going in the future.
Let Christ Shine in Your Life.
I guess we all feel sorry for ourselves at times...
However, it doesn't get you anywhere if you let it control your life..
Life goes on and we can accept our lot, of continually blame it for not blossoming.
Last night I watched a POWERFUL DVD.... 'The Blind Side'
It was the real life story of a big hearted young man named Michael Oher who was a homeless child from a very young age.
In his own words, Michael says he doesn't hold grudges against anyone for the misfortune he encountered as a child.
"I don't dwell on anything,
I'm not going to feel sorry for myself because I didn't have a place to stay a lot of time.
It is what it is.
We've got to go through some things in life.
Take it and run with it."
I have ordered this DVD for my children for Christmas..
It has a valuable lesson..
It's not where you come from, but where you are going in the future.
Let Christ Shine in Your Life.
Jeremiah 1:5
“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,
Before you were born..... I set you apart'"
Dive in and enjoy the life aquatic

Taking the plunge is easier than it might seem, with a range of enticing locations where you can learn the basics of scuba diving, from Red Sea resorts to idyllic Indonesian islands. Matt Barr explains
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Never Give Up
Sometimes Life Is So Hard.....But!
Psalm 46:1
God is my refuge and strength and very present help in times of trouble.
Psalm 46:1
God is my refuge and strength and very present help in times of trouble.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Monday, September 12, 2011
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Lord How Do I Pray?
Walking down the road of life, what problems will cross our paths today?
3. By using the NAME of Jesus.
(Revelation 12:11 Philippians 2:10-11)
So, Speak that Word out loud, as a Testimony of faith and stand on Gods Promises.
This Prayer was composed by Dr Derek Prince.....
A Daily Prayer Of Confidence
It is written in the Word Of God, Isaiah 54:27
No weapon that is formed against me shall prosper and every tongue which rises against me in judgement, I do condemn. This is my heritage as a servant of the Lord and my righteousness is from you, Oh Lord of Hosts.
If there are anyone who is speaking of praying against me, OR seeking evil towards me, or have rejected me, I forgive them! Having forgiven them, I Bless Them In The Name Of Jesus.
Now I declare Oh Lord, that you and you alone are my God, and besides you there is no other. You are a just God and Saviour, The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit. I worship you with all my heart.
I submit myself to you today afresh in unreserved obedience.
Having submitted to you Lord, I do as your Word directs.
I resist the devil and all his pressures, his attaches, deceptions and every instrument and agent he would seek to use against me. I DO NOT SUBMIT TO HIS WAYS.
I resist him, drive him from me and exclude him from me, in the name of Jesus.
Specifically I reject and repel:
Infirmity, Pain, Infection, Inflammation, Allergies, Viruses, Malignancies, and every Form Of Witchcraft.
Finally Lord, I thank you that through the sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross, I have passed out from under the curse and entered into the Blessings of Abraham, with whom You have Blessed all things.
I am now Blessed with all things which include: Prosperity, Victory, and Gods favour.
In the Name of Jesus I thank You. Amen and Amen.
The Bible tells us.
There are three ways we defeat the enemy (satan).
1. By the blood of the Lamb (Jesus)
2. By the WORD of our Testimony3. By using the NAME of Jesus.
(Revelation 12:11 Philippians 2:10-11)
So, Speak that Word out loud, as a Testimony of faith and stand on Gods Promises.
This Prayer was composed by Dr Derek Prince.....
A Daily Prayer Of Confidence
It is written in the Word Of God, Isaiah 54:27
No weapon that is formed against me shall prosper and every tongue which rises against me in judgement, I do condemn. This is my heritage as a servant of the Lord and my righteousness is from you, Oh Lord of Hosts.
If there are anyone who is speaking of praying against me, OR seeking evil towards me, or have rejected me, I forgive them! Having forgiven them, I Bless Them In The Name Of Jesus.
Now I declare Oh Lord, that you and you alone are my God, and besides you there is no other. You are a just God and Saviour, The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit. I worship you with all my heart.
I submit myself to you today afresh in unreserved obedience.
Having submitted to you Lord, I do as your Word directs.
I resist the devil and all his pressures, his attaches, deceptions and every instrument and agent he would seek to use against me. I DO NOT SUBMIT TO HIS WAYS.
I resist him, drive him from me and exclude him from me, in the name of Jesus.
Specifically I reject and repel:
Infirmity, Pain, Infection, Inflammation, Allergies, Viruses, Malignancies, and every Form Of Witchcraft.
Finally Lord, I thank you that through the sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross, I have passed out from under the curse and entered into the Blessings of Abraham, with whom You have Blessed all things.
I am now Blessed with all things which include: Prosperity, Victory, and Gods favour.
In the Name of Jesus I thank You. Amen and Amen.
Homeschool Mother’s journal: September 10, 2011
In my life this week... It has been a crazy week filled with anxiety and excitement getting things in order and ready in preparation for our move to our new home. We originally planned to move November 1st but that was changed to October 1st. Now we have roughly about three weeks to get everything packed and squared away in time to start moving.
In our homeschool this week… We have been
In our homeschool this week… We have been
Friday, September 9, 2011
Week in Review: the house hunting edition and family
Our second and third week was a very light week of homeschooling. Between searching for a new home, making calls and visiting properties, we managed to only get a few days of school done during the last two weeks.
Last month (August 22), the boys began working on their “All About Me” book and this month they continued working on them with our Family unit study.
Here are the highlights
Last month (August 22), the boys began working on their “All About Me” book and this month they continued working on them with our Family unit study.
Here are the highlights
Thursday, September 8, 2011
The Heroes of 9/11

I have a personal relationship with the horrors of 9/11. Two and half hours before the first plane struck the Towers we received a phone call that a new grand-daughter was born to my eldest daughter, Natalie. Much joy accompanied the news of Charlie's birth but within a few short celebratory hours it turned into profound shock and sadness as we watched, with millions of others, these tragic events unfold.
On this 10th anniversary, we cannot help but relive the pain we experienced when nearly 3,000 innocent Americans were murdered in cold blood by Islamist extremist scum. It isn't pleasant remembering that day, but we would be remiss if we did not honour them.
We owe it to the dead to never forget them because they died for us, as citizen soldiers who were thrust unexpectedly into a war they never saw coming. We owe it to the living also because there is (strange as it may sound) a silver lining in the dark cloud that cast its dreadful shadow that day. I'm talking about the shining light of incredible courage that was demonstrated by hundreds of ordinary Americans. On that day we discovered unknown heroes hidden in our midst. Who could forget Todd Beamer, a business man on United Airlines flight 93, who shouted "Let's roll" as he and his fellow passengers rushed the cockpit to subdue a group of hijackers. Their jet crashed into a field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, saving an indeterminable number of people.
Hundreds of miles away at the site of the burning World Trade Center, more heroes emerged. There was Father Mychal Judge, a Catholic priest, who hurried to the burning towers to administer the last rites of his faith to the dying. Tragically, he soon found himself among them. He was joined by an equally unwavering group of New York City firefighters, who stared into the face of death and deliberately put themselves in harm's way.
Ernest Hemingway famously defined courage as "grace under pressure," and those words certainly apply to the 343 firefighters and paramedics who made the ultimate sacrifice that grim day. From my perspective, we have never sufficiently honoured these fallen firefighters, rescue workers, police officers and the many other first responders of 9/11 who gave their lives to save others. Don't forget the over one thousand people who are belatedly suffering from illness caused in helping in the immense search for survivors and the following cleaning up of Ground Zero.
The Way I See It....such deserving heroes should be awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor so that we might officially recognize their unsurpassed courage. While we are paying tribute, we must not forget the many soldiers from around the world who have lost their lives in the war on terrorism, as well as those seriously wounded. They represent what is best about western civilization....the willingness of ordinary people to make immense sacrifices to defend their ideals of liberty, free-speech and justice.
Beyond this, the heroes of 9/11 are exemplars of an even greater ideal, one which even if we fail to reach, all of us should at least strive to attain. It is an ideal succinctly stated by Jesus in the Gospel of St John: "Greater love hath no man than this; that a man lay down his life for his friends." A fitting epitaph for Todd Beamer, Father Judge, the NYC firefighters and all the rest who fell that day to save their distant neighbours, many people they did not know but loved nonetheless.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
There is no one alive who hasn't suffered Hurt, Pain, Humiliation and
I don't know why I am writing about this today? Or maybe I do...
Yesterday I had the wonderful privilege of being visited by three special ladies.
First came my daughter Daniella, bouncing into the house with her usual vibrant self, coming to share with mum.
Then I received a phone call from Lynn, 'would I like a visit?' She came bearing a meal and prayers.
Finally Dawn, another sweet lady came.... another two meals, and much sharing.
I can look back over the years and remember times of need when no one came.
When I felt alone and deserted.
As people read what I am writing, many could never imagine, what my past has been, or what I have come through... Much I have blanked out because of the pain.
We all have a story to tell.
All of us walk through life hopefully learning lessons and gaining wisdom.
Becoming Better and not Bitter.
Wisdom only comes by realisation and understanding.
Many feel in times of desolation that God is punishing, or that He is not there, He simply doesn't exist.
Yet if God did not allow us to have a free will of discovery we would never experience the trails we do..
We would never learn to pray or come before him..
"And I will restore to you, the years the locust hath eaten."
Joel 2:25
Granddaughter Shiarn (Daniella's) running free with her chooks.
I don't know why I am writing about this today? Or maybe I do...
Yesterday I had the wonderful privilege of being visited by three special ladies.
First came my daughter Daniella, bouncing into the house with her usual vibrant self, coming to share with mum.
Then I received a phone call from Lynn, 'would I like a visit?' She came bearing a meal and prayers.
Finally Dawn, another sweet lady came.... another two meals, and much sharing.
I can look back over the years and remember times of need when no one came.
When I felt alone and deserted.
As people read what I am writing, many could never imagine, what my past has been, or what I have come through... Much I have blanked out because of the pain.
We all have a story to tell.
All of us walk through life hopefully learning lessons and gaining wisdom.
Becoming Better and not Bitter.
Wisdom only comes by realisation and understanding.
Many feel in times of desolation that God is punishing, or that He is not there, He simply doesn't exist.
Yet if God did not allow us to have a free will of discovery we would never experience the trails we do..
We would never learn to pray or come before him..
"For when we are weak, He is strong." 2 Corinthians 12 :10.
We would never understand the joy of having restored, all the devil has taken from us."And I will restore to you, the years the locust hath eaten."
Joel 2:25
Granddaughter Shiarn (Daniella's) running free with her chooks.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Monday, September 5, 2011
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Real Life
Being incapacitated has some advantages.
I have been watching a television series on DVD which apparently was run on television, a good few years ago.
It wasn't exceptionally thrilling, spine chilling or funny, yet it captivated the life struggles of that time.
Watching it took me back to being a child growing up in the nineteen fifties,when life was a struggle.
Personally, I didn't realise as much of this at the time, as my mother and elder siblings would have.
We children, lived our lives as many others did... in acceptance.
Life was as it was, we didn't argue or question.
One thing I do know was nothing was taken for granted, and the tiniest gift was received with absolute joy.
Many who read this will no doubt share some of these memories.
Our toilet was way up the back yard, probably because of the smell, and mum grew honeysuckle close by.
There was no such thing as soft toilet paper..unless of course we had scored a box of apples all wrapped in that wonderful soft tissue, it was recycled carefully and used with appreciation..
Otherwise, it was newspaper, ripped and tacked to the unlined wall.
Baths were Saturday night. Wood was collected and the washing copper lit to heat the water.
When hot, this was dippered into the bath. The first bather got about a foot of water, the last bather perhaps two feet, as it was topped up and re-used.
Mum sewed most of our clothes and then they were patched and handed down.
New curtains were rare and the old ones were cut up into a new dress of skirt.
Good clothes were only for good and we took great care not to tear or soil them.
We changed as soon as we arrived home it was a priority. And we wore them as many times as possible before they were washed.
Why? because washing aged them.
Men's shirt collars were replaced as they wore out faster than the rest of the shirt.
This was a slow careful job of removing the old and hand sewing on the new.
You knew your neighbours and everyone cared and shared your joys and sorrows.
Yes I enjoyed watching the series of The Harp of the South, and Poor Mans Orange...
Taken from the books by Ruth Parkes an Australian author.
Yet no matter what country you grew up in in those days, life was pretty much the same.
And...Blessings were counted.
I have been watching a television series on DVD which apparently was run on television, a good few years ago.
It wasn't exceptionally thrilling, spine chilling or funny, yet it captivated the life struggles of that time.
Watching it took me back to being a child growing up in the nineteen fifties,when life was a struggle.
Personally, I didn't realise as much of this at the time, as my mother and elder siblings would have.
We children, lived our lives as many others did... in acceptance.
Life was as it was, we didn't argue or question.
One thing I do know was nothing was taken for granted, and the tiniest gift was received with absolute joy.
Many who read this will no doubt share some of these memories.
Our toilet was way up the back yard, probably because of the smell, and mum grew honeysuckle close by.
There was no such thing as soft toilet paper..unless of course we had scored a box of apples all wrapped in that wonderful soft tissue, it was recycled carefully and used with appreciation..
Otherwise, it was newspaper, ripped and tacked to the unlined wall.
Baths were Saturday night. Wood was collected and the washing copper lit to heat the water.
When hot, this was dippered into the bath. The first bather got about a foot of water, the last bather perhaps two feet, as it was topped up and re-used.
Mum sewed most of our clothes and then they were patched and handed down.
New curtains were rare and the old ones were cut up into a new dress of skirt.
Good clothes were only for good and we took great care not to tear or soil them.
We changed as soon as we arrived home it was a priority. And we wore them as many times as possible before they were washed.
Why? because washing aged them.
Men's shirt collars were replaced as they wore out faster than the rest of the shirt.
This was a slow careful job of removing the old and hand sewing on the new.
You knew your neighbours and everyone cared and shared your joys and sorrows.
Yes I enjoyed watching the series of The Harp of the South, and Poor Mans Orange...
Taken from the books by Ruth Parkes an Australian author.
Yet no matter what country you grew up in in those days, life was pretty much the same.
And...Blessings were counted.
"Count your many blessings name them one by one,
count your blessings see what God has done.
Count your blessings,.... name then one by one,
and it will surprise you what the Lord has done."Saturday, September 3, 2011
Friday, September 2, 2011
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