Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Ruled by Baboons
It's September...and spring in the Land of Oz.
You gotta laugh...it makes your day.
Got this in an email:
We are all familiar with
a Herd of cows,
a Flock of chickens,
a School of fish
and a Gaggle of geese.
A Pride of lions,
a Murder of crows.
An Exaltation of doves and, presumably because they look so wise, a Parliament of owls.
Now consider a group of Baboons.
They are the loudest, most dangerous, most obnoxious, most viciously aggressive and least intelligent of all primates.
And what is the proper collective noun for a group of baboons?
Believe it or not ........ They are called a Congress!
I guess that pretty much explains the things that come out of Washington and Canberra (Oz)!!
Am I being mean... ?
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Monday, August 29, 2011
Sign Posts in Ozzie Land
If you don't know where your going, check a sign post.
No Snow? No Worry..Skiing Roo..
Nothing to worry about...
Don't try to attract the the Croc's
And the best sign post to Eternal Life is Jesus.
No Snow? No Worry..Skiing Roo..
What else?
For the Cassowary. Sure hope he can read.
Nothing to worry about...
Don't try to attract the the Croc's
And the best sign post to Eternal Life is Jesus.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Sleeping with the fishes! NFL star's amazing fish tank in his bedroom

Nobody really wants to be upstaged in the bedroom but it seems that's exactly what happened to the New England Patriots's wide receiver Chad Ochocinco.
Since he had an amazing fish tank installed in his bedroom in his Florida mansion, he says fiancee Evelyn Lozada cant stop looking at it.
Evelyn, who became a known face on the TV show Basketball Wives because of her previous engagement to ex-Celtic Antoine Walker, 'stares at these damn fish every time before bed,' Chad says.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2030666/NFL-stars-Chad-Ochocincos-amazing-fish-tank-bedroom.html#ixzz1WGGrTc1c
Saturday, August 27, 2011
unexpected Transitions….
This Saturday, after living in the same apartment community for over 8 years, we have been informed that our lease will not be renewed due to remodeling. There are no vacancies and we must be out in about 8 weeks. The timing could not have been worse with my husband out of work.
We will be looking for a new place for us to live (house or apartment) and in the process of searching and packing
We will be looking for a new place for us to live (house or apartment) and in the process of searching and packing
Week in review: Our first week
This Monday we started our first week of school. I’m glad we waited until late August to begin because it gave the boys a few weeks of summer vacation time. We had a light week with basic subjects and a few electives such as health and science mixed in.
Each day we are doing Calendar Math. We made a new Calendar and Morning board this year and the boys really like it. The boys are learning
Each day we are doing Calendar Math. We made a new Calendar and Morning board this year and the boys really like it. The boys are learning
Friday, August 26, 2011
Thursday, August 25, 2011
PERRRRFECT is what You are..
"You are altogether beautiful, my darling, And there is no blemish in you.
Song of Solomon 4:7 "The Bible"
This photo was taken at an outback store in central Australia
You know, no matter how we see ourselves...
Our Heavenly Father sees us as perfect and beautiful..
Doesn't that make you feel good....
I dedicate this to my beautiful daughter Femia-Hope.
Who joys in her Heavenly Father..
Finally, a homemade play clay recipe we love
In the past, we always used play dough with my youngest son (my oldest son dislikes play dough due to his sensory issues). Play dough is fun but it can be difficult to remove off the carpet, so I was trying to find something that would appeal to my children and to me (that was easy to clean).
This week we made a simple version of modeling clay (play dough) that can be stored for weeks in a
This week we made a simple version of modeling clay (play dough) that can be stored for weeks in a
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
My son Pasquale Joel, who I call Lee-Joel turned Thirty two last Sunday.
Photo by daughter Femia.
I wasn't sure if he would come to visit or have a family day out with his wife and son.
And, it wasn't easy for me to cook up a great feast and I didn't..
But one thing my children love is mum's Italian pasta.
So thats what they got.. and I got them all here with the promise, not to disappoint..
They all helped and cleaned up after and I enjoyed them and the rest.
As a grandparent its great to sit back and watch the antics of my two youngest, Izaiah and Shiarn.
They are more like siblings than cousins, and Shiarn always reminds Zai that he needs to have manners.
"If you don't say please Zai, I won't share with you.." she prattles on....
"Pweeze Shiarnie"... he pleads adoringly.
Here they are with a green tree frog....
In these times of uncertainy and world dilemma, its not easy to feel peaceful or unafraid.
Yet when we believe in a Creator God who promises Peace, we know He has all in control.
Photo by daughter Femia.
I wasn't sure if he would come to visit or have a family day out with his wife and son.
And, it wasn't easy for me to cook up a great feast and I didn't..
But one thing my children love is mum's Italian pasta.
So thats what they got.. and I got them all here with the promise, not to disappoint..
They all helped and cleaned up after and I enjoyed them and the rest.
As a grandparent its great to sit back and watch the antics of my two youngest, Izaiah and Shiarn.
They are more like siblings than cousins, and Shiarn always reminds Zai that he needs to have manners.
"If you don't say please Zai, I won't share with you.." she prattles on....
"Pweeze Shiarnie"... he pleads adoringly.
Here they are with a green tree frog....
Isn't it marvelous!
and....Two fingers display the Sign of Peace.
"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.
I do not give to you as the world gives.
Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."
John 14:27 In these times of uncertainy and world dilemma, its not easy to feel peaceful or unafraid.
Yet when we believe in a Creator God who promises Peace, we know He has all in control.
Our Homeschool Calendar and Morning Board
On Monday, we embarked on a new homeschool, year. Over the summer, I decided to update our Homeschool Calendar. I had been looking at examples from fellow bloggers and printed several great files to use. I created a few of my own to add our Calendar Area. This year, we are using a large Pocket Chart we purchased at Wal-Mart several years ago to use as our Calendar Area.
We have limited space
We have limited space
Monday, August 22, 2011
Before Five in a Row: Jesse Bear and clothing printable
Two years ago, I made a bear and clothing to teach my youngest son about the clothing we wear during the seasons. He loved it so much we added our Jesse bear to our Calendar Chart.
This year our bear will be used when we read the book “Jesse Bear, what will you wear?” as part of our Before Five in a Row curriculum. I thought since so many of my friends and fellow readers are using Before
This year our bear will be used when we read the book “Jesse Bear, what will you wear?” as part of our Before Five in a Row curriculum. I thought since so many of my friends and fellow readers are using Before
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Saturday, August 20, 2011
A Playboy in Winter

HUGH HEFNER CALLS OFF WEDDING TO 25-YEAR-OLD PLAYMATE!...screamed the headlines 2 months ago. Hefner at 85 and his bride-to-be, Crystal Harris (see photo) were due to tie the knot in front of 300 guests at the Playboy Mansion in Los Angeles. It would have been is third marriage. "The wedding is off...Crystal has had a change of heart," he wrote on Twitter.
Sex forges unlikely alliances and good ole Hugh, who has been the world's most prominent personification of the unchained heterosexual male libido since his 1953 launch of Playboy magazine, forges unlikelier alliances than most. For more than half a century, Hefner has succeeded in uniting social conservatives of the political right and feminists of the left in opposition to his vision of sexual liberation as empowering women to throw off their domestic chains....and their clothes.
Even his admirers, of which I admit I am one (after meeting him at the New York Playboy Club in 1962), find something undignified in his refusal to throw in the bunny-emblazoned towel and behave age-appropriately. "Old Mr. Sticky Fingers" was how one British journalist described Hefner at the June re-opening of the London Playboy Club.
At 85, Hefner doesn't picture himself as in retirement, but still considers himself both playboy and player. London marked the second club opening in the revived chain after Las Vegas; others are planned in Cancun, Macau and Miami. With NBC's forthcoming drama series The Playboy Club, set in the 1960's, coming to a TV station near you, it's likely to sprinkle a handful of cool on the invigorated brand. For a better insight into the man, I recommend seeing the DVD Hugh Hefner: Playboy, Activist and Rebel by Oscar-winning filmmaker Brigitte Berman that was released last year and makes bold claims for its subject's legacy as a civil libertarian and philanthropist.
So why the pity and scorn directed at this amiable senior in his dressing gown? He thinks it's because he's refusing to submit to cultural expectations of the old. "To begin with, I fought racism, then sexism. Now I'm fighting ageism," says Hefner. "One defines oneself in one's own terms. If you let society and your peers define who you are, you're the less for it." He critcizes the women's movement for failing to participate in "the sexual revolution that Playboy played such a part in. The notion that it should turn on itself and attack women who celebrated their sexuality is very puritan, very repressive and very counter-revolutionary." He's unable or unwilling to accept that Playboy, far from enabling the female of the species to explore her own sexuality, skillfully co-opted her into male fantasies.
The Way I See It....Hefner's views on sexual politics, though long held, can hardly be described as old-fashioned. In this postfeminist era, feminists must struggle to convince the world that their arguments are still relevant; Hefner, by contrast, sits firmly in the cultural mainstream. And no matter how often he finds himself in the stocks of public opinion, he'll keep on playing the playboy until he can play no more. I wonder at his ability to retain an appetite for a mind-numbingly narrow range of sybaritic pleasures over so many years. However, a few weeks ago he announced he will not be the marrying-kind anymore and enjoy the bachelor life. His never ending source of female pulchritude should help him forget Crystal fairly soon.
Hillsong United - Nothing But The Blood
It's a beautiful sunny Sunday and I can't attend church until I am able to sit walk and stand properly.
But what touched me profoundly this morning was ...
the Power in Forgiveness
the Power of the Blood of Jesus to cleanse us of all our sin.
I need to forgive others, as Jesus has forgiven me.
There is so much power is forgiving...
It makes you feel so good.
I learnt to sing this song as a child....
Praise God for Sunday School.
Have a blessed day.
Friday, August 19, 2011
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Discus Aquarium

Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Getting Knackered on Necker Island !

When Sir Richard Branson needs to chill out from his collection of companies that are as diverse as air travel, fitness, financial services, publishing, mobiles, media and music, he retreats to his private island in the warm Caribbean Sea. Necker Island is located in the British Virgin (coincidentally) Islands just north of Virgin Gorda. The island was named after the 17th Century Dutch commander, Johannes de Neckere. It was never inhabited in its long history, according to archaeologists.
In 1978, Sir Richard, then 24 years old and on the way up with his Virgin Record Stores, discovered and put a lowball bid of 200,000 pounds for the 3 million pound island. He was promptly told where to go by the owner, Lord Cobham. A while later, the good Lord, in need of short-term cash eventually settled for 180,000 pounds! However, there was a catch. The Government, seeing a new tourist opportunity, declared that new owner had to develop a resort within five years or the island would revert to the state.
Since Sir Richard purchased Necker Island, there has been a gradual and ongoing programme of improvements to the island's facilities totaling more than US $20 million. Unfortunately not to the overall delight from the Virgin Islands government. They took exception to his gross occupation of the island with huts and buildings. Their idea for a resort was for a nice discrete layout of buildings along the best beach on the island while leaving the greater part of the island in its natural (primeval) state.
He developed several residences in addition to the "Great House", an airy Balinese Villa, smaller one-bedroom Balinese houses, more intimate Bali Cottages and two tennis courts, a heliport and two pools with paths crisscrossing the island to connect everything. To sooth the government's ire he used the last five years spending millions more to ensure Necker Island is as "green"as it possibly can be. He ended up being back in favour. According to some reports, the island is currently valued at around US$106 million!
Necker Island has a young, trendy staff of approximately 60 people. Seven thousand people stay every year. Famous guests have included Princess Diana, Janet Jackson, Harrison Ford, Mariah Carey, Eddie Murphy, Oprah Winfrey and Larry Page, Google's billionaire co-founder even married on the island. Guests travel from the nearest islands by high-speed boat; Virgin Gorda (15 minutes) or Beef Island (30 minutes). If guests prefer, they can travel by helicopter directly to the island.
Branson's island can accommodate 28 people at US $54, 500 per night with a MINIMUM stay of 5 nights! The cost for individuals and couples is $2000 per person per night with a 2.5% service charge and an added surcharge for stays over Christmas, New Year and Easter. It is the all-inclusive private island resort with endless choices in the range of water sports available. You name it.....and it is there for you to try. And as a special surprise you might find Sir Richard or a family member joining you.
Necker Island is Richard Branson's home and he tries to spend as much time on the island as he can with his family. However, he visits the island more times during the year than his family can. So, as a typical male that is king of his domain, he likes to party and push the envelop in various sports to let off steam...so to say. (see photo) Can you blame him?
The Way I See It....Sir Richard Branson's empire and indeed his life might seem beyond comprehension for us mere mortals but his engaging personality allows us to admire him for his accomplishments and not envy him. Richard Branson created the world famous and trusted brand name Virgin, which now encompasses approximately 200 branded companies. He has developed a reputation for value, quality, innovation, fun and a sense of competitive challenge. Branson has no limitations with Virgin.
Those of us admirers who live in Australia, particularly in Queensland, can enjoy a taste of Necker Island by visiting his Australian holiday home--a heart-shaped island in the middle of the Noosa River. It's called Makepeace Island and is in a similar Balinese-style sprawling across nearly 9 hectares. He bought it for nearly $3 million in 2002 after spotting the site on a weekend trip up the Noosa River. As luck would have it...it was up for sale. Makepeace Island is fully serviced by boat and the stay-over price tag matches its exclusivity, with the daily rate ranging from AU $7900 for up to eight guests in the low season and up to AU$16,900 for a maximum 22 guests in the high season.
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