Sunday, July 31, 2011
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Stonewalling Gay Marriage

New York City has just legalised "marriage" between same-sex couples and boy are the gays going-at-it gang-busters to be in on this new freedom. They see it as their just reward for the contentious and confrontational existence the previous generation of homos had to put up with and tying into their primal rebellion of 1969. The legacy of the June 28 Stonewall Inn Riots outside a mafia-owned saloon in Greenwich Village became the defining event that marked the start of gay rights movement in the United States and around the world.
Now, in Australia, an organisation called Equal Love informs us that they are preparing a mass illegal wedding in Melbourne, as a protest against the present marriage laws. Equal Love's spokesperson, Ali Hogg said, "We want to get the message out loud and clear with this upcoming protest that homophobia and discrimination is not welcome in Australia and therefore the laws in place that perpetuate this homophobia should be gotten rid of." The protest is to be held on August 13, marking the 7th Anniversary since the Howard government amended the marriage laws to state that marriage is between one man and one women.
The many, many people in Australia that agree with that fundamental statement had no idea that they were perpetuating homophobia by supporting ordinary marriage as they know it. Rather they thought they were and are perpetuating common sense. But apparently, according to the inclusivity demand of NEW THINK, if you are against gay marriage, then you must be homophobic.
And of course we all know who are the worst homophobes. They are the Christians (but lets not forget the Jews and Muslims too). But why the Christians? Because Christianity incorporates very clear and unified teachings on sex, marriage and the family, which can articulate the bedrock values from which Western society has derived its laws on the family and marriage. This reasonable position is dangerous to people who are not interested in reason but who use common ad hominem insults and, above all, cheap emotionalism to get away with irrational foolishness. So when one discusses the complementarity of the sexes as a natural, fundamental element of both the sexual marriage relationship and the parenting that goes with it, one gets branded a bigot and a Christian bigot at that.
There is now a new Christian persecution; it disguises itself in the "inclusivism" which is demanded of multiculturalism. The not-at-all persecuted gay & lesbian community have tacked themselves on to the persecuted minority wagon train, and consequently have gotten away with framing the debate in purely emotional terms. Margret Somerville, the noted Canadian ethicist, who gave a lecture at the University of NSW last Wednesday, talked about religious influence being negated, or in fact, driven out of the public arena in many liberal democracies, where secularism no longer means freedom of religion but freedom from religion.
The Way I See It....if mainstream religious culture is subverted for a sterile notion of no-religion secularism where anything is allowed you will end up with moral chaos. If religious voices want to be heard in the public square than they have to make sure that they are not driven out or shouted down. They have to make themselves heard by the quality of their arguments. Two of them being in fact that usurping the word GAY is a misnomer that rankles the general population when they like to describe themselves as having a joyous mood or dressing in bright colours. A different word certainly needs to be found. Secondly, gay marriage itself is a misnomer in the obvious fact of its traditional meaning. So here again, most "straight" people would be less uptight if another word is used for a same-sex union. Get your thinking-caps on!
Finally, it seems that people would rather stick to their preconceived notions and not add anything meaningful to the debate or lean to any compromise. Just like the idiot woman chosen to MC the August 13 Rally who said, "Personally, I've had two husbands and three marriages, and marriage has lost its lustre for me. But I don't see why the GLBTI should be excluded from marrying just because it's always-been-that-way. And let's face it: nobody does 'wedding' better than gay or lesbian couples!" GOSH...what a great argument for gay marriage.
Friday, July 29, 2011
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Sharia Law at Work in Australia !

Australia has long been a nation of immigrants...arriving to an attractive global image of sun, surf, bikinis, beer, barbecues and above all freedom to enjoy them. Then there's SHARIA LAW, which conjures up the shadow of Medieval subjugation. A legal report by two research academics, set to be published this week says Sharia Law has become a shadow legal system within Muslim communities, endorsing burqas, whippings and even polygamous and underage marriages that are outlawed under Australia's Marriage Act.
A system of "legal pluralism" based on this foul Muslim law "abounds" in Australia. The researchers say, "our community wakes up every morning totally oblivious to Muslims complying to religious law and shirking our mainstream laws." In family law, not all Muslims were registering their marriages and were relying on religious ceremonies to validate unions that breached the Marriage Act. This included "polygynist marriages" in which a man takes multiple wives, or worse still, following Muhammad's paedophilia example, marrying an under aged girl (preferably pre-menstrual).
These academics, Ann Black and Kerrie Sadiq, have also found that while polygamy is unlawful, mainstream law accommodates men who arrive in Australia with multiple wives, lawfully entered into overseas, are recognised, with second wives and their children able to claim welfare and other benefits. It seems changes to the Family Law Act in 2008 also means that polygamous religious marriages entered into in Australia could also be recognised as de facto marriages. "It means a second wife can be validly married under Islamic law and be a de facto wife under Australian law with the same legal entitlements as any other de facto relationship." they write. I say ...."There goes the neighbourhood."
Even with our country's compromise to the Muslim distortion of matrimonial circumstances, the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils is still calling for Australia to compromise with Islam and suggests there should be further "tweaking"of family law to take account of Sharia. The result would be that the courts must consider Muslim children having the right to enjoy their own culture and the culture of the people who share that culture.
The Way I See It....these people always seem to want their own way of living in any adopted country they settle in and don't give a "hoot"about assimilating and relishing a purely free society. No, they would rather keep their Koranic Medieval traditions. What shocking tradition is next: gentital mutilation and honour killings? We have already seen, last week, men breaking into a Muslim convert's house and whipping him 40 times in his bed for allegedly having a beer. Enough is enough!
Thankfully, Federal Attorney-General Robert McClelland said recently, that if there was ever any inconsistency between cultural values and the rule of law..."then Australian law wins out." He further stated, "There is only one law that's applicable in Australia, that's Australia law based on our common law tradition. Our constitutional founders included a provision against the state endorsing or prescribing any religion or religious practice."
He finished up by saying the Family Law Act and Marriage Act included specific provisions and exclusions for courts to consider, among other factors, an individual's lifestyle and background culture and traditions, but under-age marriage was out. "The government and the people of Australia believe these provisions to be adequate, so get used it," Mr McClelland said. Bravo!
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
How we plan to “row” our homeschool year
I mentioned in our recent post on our curriculum that we will be using Before Five in a Row with our youngest son. There are about 24 books that are mentioned in the BFIAR book (a few are out of print and difficult to get). I looked into what our public library system has and found out they have all titles but four. We have about 5 books in our own home that I had purchased through the years
Echinodorus vesuvius

Monday, July 25, 2011
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Saturday, July 23, 2011
The Greens Are So RED !

Tomorrow, in Australia, there is a launch of a new book that comes at an important time. It is entitled: The GREENS: Policies, Reality and Consequences and is edited by Andrew McIntyre. He says the idea for this book came from an awareness of the alarming void in media analysis of the Greens' policies at a time when they have been gaining in political strength and arrogance. Just look at their Carbon Tax being shoved down our throats for unproven effects on reducing climate change.
This book brings together leading Australian experts who look at a wide range of their policies in detail (from Agriculture to Zoophytes) to reveal an anti-democratic vision. To those people who have foolishly voted or thought of voting for the Greens this book unpacks much of the agenda of this party and its phony environmental concerns. In 21 chapters, the authors succinctly examine the Greens cherished policies and their consequences for our national prosperity. The picture is not attractive.
As the editor states in the introduction: "Taken as a whole, the impression given in reading these chapters is that the Greens have an uncontrollable urge to spend, almost everywhere and for everything; a mania for control -- through legislation and regulation of both institutions and individuals; a disturbing and unwarranted confidence in central planning (ala Marxist socialism) and belief that government knows best; an antagonism to initiatives by the private sector or individuals and at best, a systematic and naive misunderstanding, both historical and practical, of how the world works!"
This conclusion is reflected in many of the contributions. Sinclair Davidson concludes that they are "economic reactionaries who image a far less prosperous economy and restricted choices through their enforced climate agenda". Alan Oxley describes how living standards would fall under their policies; while Greg Melleuish writes about the Greens "old-fashioned ideas of centralized state control riddled through with communist intolerance." Alan Moran describes "their fundamental antipathy to the market system (capitalism) and individual choice." They will slowly erode our overall freedoms.
The Way I See It...I am sure Bob Brown, the Greens head comrade, must lie awake in bed fondling his boy friend and think of the various ways he can screw our easy going Australian way of life. Like how the Greens would like to transform marriage and family from a social institution on the well-being of children to one centred on the self-fulfilment of adults.
Individually and collectively, the authors of this book reveal the totalitarian impulse at the heart of the Green's ideology. It involves the control over, and crowding out of, other spheres of national life by massive expansion of government. It's never been about the environment, as the takeover of Greenpeace, the Environmental Defence Organisation and the Wildlife Fund by associated Marxists shows, but about redistributing the wealth of prosperous nations. The irony is that the Greens' policies would not only destroy our economy but actually make the environment worse. Always Vote NO for these devious watermelons!
Friday, July 22, 2011
These Nigerian Scammers are the most evil individuals, with hearts belonging to satan.
Since being hit by one myself, I researched to find out more about them!!
I must say here, there are good and bad eggs in every race.
God Bless the good.
Shame, on the bad. God will deal with them!
And, even though they are called Nigerian Scammers, many fool others in believing they are from other countries of the world.
The one who attacked me, got into my Facebook and my email.
He (? a man) even spoke via messenger to one of my friends.
His place of origin, supposedly England.
Thank God, my friend knew I would never email asking anyone for money!!
I would rather wash dishes!!
How do I know he was from Nigeria??
Facebook showed me a map of the world, asking if I was located here....
Pin pointing, NIGERIA!!
Watch out for E-Bay!!!
This is also a popular target.
If someone is buying off you.
Don't you...send any money for any reason!!!
MEN and WOMAN BEWARE of On-Line dating Scams.
Many of these are also from Nigeria.
Romance Scammers
Seated waiting for a doctors appointment I read the true story of a woman in Australia who had the following experience.
The scammer, told her, he was from Milwaukee U.S.A.
His photo looked so nice... a regular bloke.
When he finally phoned her, his accent was American, and she believed all he told her.
He was very clever!!
Over time, for one thing or another, she handed over almost $100.000.
She even mortgaging her home.
INCREDIBLE you say? Well, they are VERY convincing, sweet sounding and lovable.
There is no way anyone so NICE could be evil,....or so you think.
Dating Scammer Sign's To Beware of:
1. They often use stolen credit cards.
Their on-line profile may suddenly disappear when the dating site makes the discovery.
2. Sob stories... Scammers will mention a loved ones death or a sick child/parent, to pull at your heart strings.
3. Scammers will make excuses NOT to use a webcam.
4. They try to con you out of money.
DO NOT SEND!! they usually use wire transfer so it cannot be traced.
5. Check out the International Calling Code for any phone number you are sent!
If you have had an experience... Please reply in comment!
I am going into hospital so won't be able to connect on here for a while.
Since being hit by one myself, I researched to find out more about them!!
I must say here, there are good and bad eggs in every race.
God Bless the good.
Shame, on the bad. God will deal with them!
And, even though they are called Nigerian Scammers, many fool others in believing they are from other countries of the world.
The one who attacked me, got into my Facebook and my email.
He (? a man) even spoke via messenger to one of my friends.
His place of origin, supposedly England.
Thank God, my friend knew I would never email asking anyone for money!!
I would rather wash dishes!!
How do I know he was from Nigeria??
Facebook showed me a map of the world, asking if I was located here....
Pin pointing, NIGERIA!!
Watch out for E-Bay!!!
This is also a popular target.
If someone is buying off you.
Don't you...send any money for any reason!!!
MEN and WOMAN BEWARE of On-Line dating Scams.
Many of these are also from Nigeria.
Romance Scammers
Seated waiting for a doctors appointment I read the true story of a woman in Australia who had the following experience.
The scammer, told her, he was from Milwaukee U.S.A.
His photo looked so nice... a regular bloke.
When he finally phoned her, his accent was American, and she believed all he told her.
He was very clever!!
Over time, for one thing or another, she handed over almost $100.000.
She even mortgaging her home.
INCREDIBLE you say? Well, they are VERY convincing, sweet sounding and lovable.
There is no way anyone so NICE could be evil,....or so you think.
Dating Scammer Sign's To Beware of:
1. They often use stolen credit cards.
Their on-line profile may suddenly disappear when the dating site makes the discovery.
2. Sob stories... Scammers will mention a loved ones death or a sick child/parent, to pull at your heart strings.
3. Scammers will make excuses NOT to use a webcam.
4. They try to con you out of money.
DO NOT SEND!! they usually use wire transfer so it cannot be traced.
5. Check out the International Calling Code for any phone number you are sent!
“Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves.
Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves."
Matthew 10:16.
If you have had an experience... Please reply in comment!
I am going into hospital so won't be able to connect on here for a while.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Our Homeschool Curriculum 2011-2012
I know that I have not posted much recently but we have been busy enjoying our summer vacation. For the last several months, I've spent a great deal of time thinking and planning for our new homeschool school year. Early on, I knew some of our curriculum choices and ordered throughout the year as we could afford them.
In truth, we did not get everything on our wish list so I managed to
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Great Barrier Reef
Happiness is: Looking at God's Glorious Creation and appreciating our World.
There are many beautiful exciting places.
Clint took us back to The Smoky Mountains and Pigeon Forge on his Blog today.
So excellent!!!
Ray and I were married there.
So now its my turn to share.....
The amazing Great Barrier Reef, on the top of Queensland.
Where I live is situated just below the Barrier Reef line on the map.
This Reef runs 2,000 kilometres or 1,250 miles...
This a natural wonder and marine paradise.
The first time I sighted it from a plane, I could not believe the immense beauty.
There are many beautiful exciting places.
Clint took us back to The Smoky Mountains and Pigeon Forge on his Blog today.
So excellent!!!
Ray and I were married there.
So now its my turn to share.....
The amazing Great Barrier Reef, on the top of Queensland.
Where I live is situated just below the Barrier Reef line on the map.
This Reef runs 2,000 kilometres or 1,250 miles...
This a natural wonder and marine paradise.
The first time I sighted it from a plane, I could not believe the immense beauty.
Can you see the Heart of Gods Love??? It's real!
If you can snorkel you enter another world.
One that goes back through time.
No, your not on the moon.
You travel out to the pontoon and look into the ocean from glass bottomed boats.
There is something about watching fish swim.
It calms and relaxes.
Monday, July 18, 2011
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