Thursday, April 29, 2010
Australia's Great Barrier Reef
Two week's ago, we began a study on Australia as part of our Geography: Learning about our World studies. We took a break from it last week to learn about Earth day and this week we are looking at the Ocean life and Coral reefs of Australia as well as Animal life on the continent. Photo courtesy of Lanmark PhotosToday we took a closer look at Australia's Great Barrier Reef which is the largest
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Sepia Saturday Bygone Days
Today I am featuring my mother's parents and maternal grandparents.....
It has become a popular occurance to admit if your ancestors were convicts. I cannot attest to that with mine. On my maternal side they were Welsh, then further back French, as you will observe by the surname. On my father's side, sadly I know very little. No photos or contact, a mystery?
Seated in the Sulky are my mother's maternal grandparents (my great grandparents).
Great grandfather Evan Cozens` was born in 1831 at Havenford, West Penbrokshire, South Wales.
Great grandmother Margaret (Morris) Cozens`, born 1846 in Monmouth Shire, Wales.
They married on 4th February 1869 and migrated to Victoria, Australia.
Agnes Annie Cozens`, my grandmother (above) was born there in 1888.
"We live by faith not by sight. We are confident, I say and would prefer to be away from the body and at home with the Lord"... 2 Corinthians 5:7-9.
It has become a popular occurance to admit if your ancestors were convicts. I cannot attest to that with mine. On my maternal side they were Welsh, then further back French, as you will observe by the surname. On my father's side, sadly I know very little. No photos or contact, a mystery?
These are my mother's parents, (my gandparent's)Samuel and Agnes Annie Charles.
My grandfather died when I was eight years old. I still feel sad to have lost him at my early age. My grandmother lived to see one of my small children. She was a sweet gentle Christian woman. I loved both dearly.
Great grandfather Evan Cozens` was born in 1831 at Havenford, West Penbrokshire, South Wales.
Great grandmother Margaret (Morris) Cozens`, born 1846 in Monmouth Shire, Wales.
They married on 4th February 1869 and migrated to Victoria, Australia.
Agnes Annie Cozens`, my grandmother (above) was born there in 1888.
"We live by faith not by sight. We are confident, I say and would prefer to be away from the body and at home with the Lord"... 2 Corinthians 5:7-9.
Giveaway Winner!
Guys, I'm exhausted.
I started working a new job on Monday, and I haven't had a job in a while, so waking up and having to be somewhere other than class in the mornings is tough. And to top it off I worked a double shift today and then came home to bake 8 dozen cookies for a friend, only to realize 2 trays into the baking that I doubled the butter in the recipe by accident. And I'm out of chocolate chips and eggs so I can't make a new batch that doesn't taste like butt. And I broke a nail at work today (where, btw, I am only allowed to wear "non outrageous colors"... I think I have like 4 of those). And the 'z' key fell off my laptop and I can't find it. But I'm super excited that I got to make someone's day by declaring a winner for the Great Barrier Reef giveaway!
And the winner is... Hannah Bumble Bee!
Thanks so much to everyone who entered the contest, and an extra thanks to people who blogged about it!
Now, would anyone like a cookie? Anyone? No?... I'll just call Haz Mat to take them away...
I started working a new job on Monday, and I haven't had a job in a while, so waking up and having to be somewhere other than class in the mornings is tough. And to top it off I worked a double shift today and then came home to bake 8 dozen cookies for a friend, only to realize 2 trays into the baking that I doubled the butter in the recipe by accident. And I'm out of chocolate chips and eggs so I can't make a new batch that doesn't taste like butt. And I broke a nail at work today (where, btw, I am only allowed to wear "non outrageous colors"... I think I have like 4 of those). And the 'z' key fell off my laptop and I can't find it. But I'm super excited that I got to make someone's day by declaring a winner for the Great Barrier Reef giveaway!
And the winner is... Hannah Bumble Bee!
Thanks so much to everyone who entered the contest, and an extra thanks to people who blogged about it!
Now, would anyone like a cookie? Anyone? No?... I'll just call Haz Mat to take them away...
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Ocean Cards
Last year in June we did an Ocean theme unit and I made some Ocean Creature cards for the boys to use. We are using some of the cards this year for our study on Coral Reefs.The cards were orginally uploaded to Sribd but I have moved them to Homeschool Launch where you can download them for free. Just click on the thumbnail below.There are 9 pages shown in this set with 6 cards on each the Ocean
What we have left for our 2009-2010 school year
I was looking at what unit studies we have left and it looks like we may end our school year at the end of June. That gives us a month in July for a break and family vacation time so that we can resume in August with our new homeschool year.
When will you be ending your school year with your children?
When will you be ending your school year with your children?
Monday, April 26, 2010
GARDASIL Ingredients Exposed!

My further investigations after I posted the article Guard Against Gardasil ! yesterday have revealed the shocking but hidden reasons why this vaccine is killing and maiming so many of our young children (now that boys too are on Merck's hit-list). The amount of crap, aside from the 4 virus strains included in the shots is astonishing! Read on:
NOTE: Remember to TRIPLE the following amounts due to the three shots required for this vaccine.
Aluminum 225mcg
Animal and human studies have shown aluminum can cause nerve cell death and that vaccine aluminum adjuvants can allow aluminum to enter the brain, as well as cause inflammation at the injection site leading to chronic joint and muscle pain as well as fatigue.
Sodium Borate 35 mcg
This is the main ingredient in Boric Acid. Powdered Boric Acid is often used to kill rats and cockroaches. Sodium Borate is now listed as a dangerous poison. Symptoms of Sodium Borate poisoning are very similar to many of the side sffects being reported with the Gardasil vaccine!
Polysorbate 80 50mcg
Although Polysorbate 80 is a food additive that enables solubility of flavouring oils with water, injection is quite different. Polysorbate 80 injected into prepubescent rats caused a rapid growth of reproductive organs, but growth was abnormal and the rats were sterile, unable to have offspring. When used intravenously with vitamins it has been known to cause anaphylactic shock. According to the Polysorbate 80 MSDS, it may be a carcinogenic as well as as a mutagenic (birth defects).
L-histidine 0.78mcg
L-histidine is an essential amino acid which is a precursor to allergic reactions. It stimulates the inflammatory response of skin and mucous membranes (one possible cause of the allergic reactions reported). It is also responsible for forming metal bearing enzymes. Metals such as zinc, copper and nickel are transported by binding to L-histidine. Not a good mechanism.
Sodium Chloride 9.56mcg
Common salt
Yeast Protein 7mcg
This is a hidden form of MSG, as it creates synthetic free glutamic acid in the processing, which in simpler terms is MSG. Most vaccines contain some hidden form of MSG (eg hydrolysed gelatin) as this feed the LIVE virus.
The way I see it....these ingredients belong in your garagecan not to garbage up your child's blood stream and tissues. Enough said?
Reading, The WORD of GOD
I never used to read the Bible..
I found it difficult to understand.
So although I was given the WHITE one in the picture below, I left it unread for years.
After all, didn't they read it and teach from it in church? I was sure that was all I needed to know.
Then I got given a paperback New Testament.
Okay then, I'll try that! It was simplified and I was able to understand, so I began to read....... and it opened up a whole new world to me.
From then on I wanted to understand more...
After all, when you love someone with all your heart, you want to know EVERYTHING about them! Don't you??
And that's how I came to know Jesus in a personal relationship. And that's what God wants.....He wants us to worship Him, in a personal way!
We also need to be very careful what version we read, as some are Deceptive....and Perverted.
Remember, Gods 'WORD' explained by the Apostle Paul say's.
"But I am not surprised. Even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light."
(Taken from the N.L.T. Bible in 2 Corinthians 11:14)
An example of this is the New Internation Version.
Example: from Colossians 1:14.
New Internation Version.... "In whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins."
Where the King James Bible says, "In whom we have redemption through His blood."
The N.I.V. versions, OMITS......THE BLOOD!
So, as in the picture of my Bibles, I have a few versions now. AND, I cross reference.
2 Timothy 3: 16 states, "All scripture is God-Breathed, and profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness!"
If The Word of God is God-Breathed then I am blessed to be able to read it, and, I treasure it.
Years ago I was informed:
Clean Bible, dirty Christian.
Dirty Bible, clean Christian..... It's the oldest book in the world. Read it.
I found it difficult to understand.
So although I was given the WHITE one in the picture below, I left it unread for years.
After all, didn't they read it and teach from it in church? I was sure that was all I needed to know.
Then I got given a paperback New Testament.
Okay then, I'll try that! It was simplified and I was able to understand, so I began to read....... and it opened up a whole new world to me.
From then on I wanted to understand more...
After all, when you love someone with all your heart, you want to know EVERYTHING about them! Don't you??
And that's how I came to know Jesus in a personal relationship. And that's what God wants.....He wants us to worship Him, in a personal way!
We also need to be very careful what version we read, as some are Deceptive....and Perverted.
Remember, Gods 'WORD' explained by the Apostle Paul say's.
"But I am not surprised. Even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light."
(Taken from the N.L.T. Bible in 2 Corinthians 11:14)
An example of this is the New Internation Version.
Example: from Colossians 1:14.
New Internation Version.... "In whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins."
Where the King James Bible says, "In whom we have redemption through His blood."
The N.I.V. versions, OMITS......THE BLOOD!
So, as in the picture of my Bibles, I have a few versions now. AND, I cross reference.
2 Timothy 3: 16 states, "All scripture is God-Breathed, and profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness!"
If The Word of God is God-Breathed then I am blessed to be able to read it, and, I treasure it.
Years ago I was informed:
Clean Bible, dirty Christian.
Dirty Bible, clean Christian..... It's the oldest book in the world. Read it.
Book Sharing Monday: How a Shirt grew in the Field
This past week we read several books on Earth day and recently found one that really appealed to us. We read "How a Shirt grew in the Field" by Marguerita Rudolph.Konstantin Ushinsky's How a Shirt Grew in a field adapted from the Russian by Marguerita Rudolph, illustrated by Erica Weihs is a classic children's story published over 100 years ago by Konstantin Ushinsky when linen cloth was still
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Guard Against Gardasil !

It's time for the Truth about Gardasil. Reporter Barbara Hollingsworth, in an article in the Washington Examiner (USA) set the record straight about Gardasil: "Cervical cancer accounts for less than 1 percent of all cancer deaths -- so it was somewhat surprising when the FDA fast-tracked approval of Gardasil, a Merck vaccine that targets the human papilloma virus." It doesn't add up. Who's getting paid ???
"As of early February (2010), 49 unexplained deaths following Gardasil injections have been reported to the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention's Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System and also included over 17,600 reported adverse reactions!. By contrast, 52 deaths are attributed to unintended acceleration in Toyotas, which triggered a dramatic recall." There has been no recall for Gardasil, however. The deaths of those girls was swallowed up and ignored by the media. Unfortunately, "Merck denies any of the deaths are related to its vaccine and the parents involved can't prove they were," Hollingworth wrote. So the vaccine is still being recommended!
As a sidebar; over 2 dozen children under five in Perth and Brisbane, (Australia) got violently ill, with one dying, after receiving the flu shot combo (seasonal flu & swine flu) in the past 2 weeks. It was the media who exposed the facts because Australia doesn't have an Adverse Event Reporting System so just about all bad vaccine reactions are buried in hospitals and the doctor's office. The Medical Association quickly announced "it was just a coincidence or a bad batch" and said they would investigate but not mentioning that flu shots contain 25 micrograms of mercury, an amount considered unsafe for anyone weighing less than 550 pounds (250 kilos)! And who are the most sensitive to the neurological damage that is associated with mercury? Infants and children of course! Now India has halted a Gardasil study, which was slated to test the vaccine in about 32,000 girls between the ages of 10-14. The program was marred after four deaths and various complications in 120 girls were reported after the initial vaccinations were started.
Why are we putting our young girls at risk with this under-evaluated vaccine when in reality Cervical Cancer is just not that common to begin with? What many people fail to appreciate is that the human papilloma virus is a sexually transmitted disease, not a virus you can get by shaking someone's hand. At least 50% of sexually active men and women acquire genital HPV infection at some point in their lives--and 90% of the time the virus clears up on its own within 2 years and does not lead to cancer.....more people die of hospital-acquired infections. With close to 100 HPV types in circulation and Gardasil targeting only 4 types, even a bookie wouldn't like your chances of success.
Despite its serious side effects and growing list of adverse reactions, 6 months ago the FDA also approved Gardasil for use in boys to prevent genital now this dangerous vaccine is putting ALL young people at risk. Most of us have blindly placed our trust in the vaccine makers and government health agencies whose responsibility is to ensure that drugs and vaccines for public use are safe and effective. Yet this is often not the case. The way I see that over the years it has become very clear that those responsible for protecting your health are not looking out for your best interest. Please, just guard your children against Gardasil!
Week in Review for April 19 - 24, 2010
Week 27This week we decided to put aside our continuation of our Australian unit study to focus on Earth day. We read books... some were old favorites that we had read in the past while others were new to us.We watched Disney's earth on DVD and hope to see Disney's Oceans soon. The boys played a few online games on recycling as we as our Nature Studies.It was light week but an important one in
What my child is reading for April 19 - 24, 2010
We had planned to continue our Australian study but chose to read books about Earth day this week. The boys learned about the history of Earth day and how important it is to take care of our planet by conservation, recycling and saving energy.The boys took interest in the animals presented in some of our books and we all learned a valuable lesson in these books: that we need to work today on
Friday, April 23, 2010
Happy Earth day! I hope everyone ignored the oil rig that could potentially leak millions of gallons of crude in to the ocean and did something awesome to help Earth yesterday! I celebrated with a green Jade is the New Black mani, but decided it was too boring so I topped it with Chanel Illusion D'or.
I'm really going back and forth on Illusion D'or. In some light I'm amazed by the little blue-y purple-y holo bits in it. But sadly in most light it just looks like I topped my green mani with a gold frost. And I hate frost finishes. They look so dated and unfashionable. And I really don't like associating Chanel with those two words. Since I took the plunge and splurged on it, I'm not going to give up on it after one try. I'm going to try it over a matte black next time, hopefully my opinion will change. If you're on the fence about dropping so much cash on this, IMO it's probably not worth it. Go for ChG Medallion, there's so much sparkle in there and you won't miss the differences between the holo bits!
2 coats Jade is the New Black, 1 coat Illusion D'or, click for super macro:

I'm really going back and forth on Illusion D'or. In some light I'm amazed by the little blue-y purple-y holo bits in it. But sadly in most light it just looks like I topped my green mani with a gold frost. And I hate frost finishes. They look so dated and unfashionable. And I really don't like associating Chanel with those two words. Since I took the plunge and splurged on it, I'm not going to give up on it after one try. I'm going to try it over a matte black next time, hopefully my opinion will change. If you're on the fence about dropping so much cash on this, IMO it's probably not worth it. Go for ChG Medallion, there's so much sparkle in there and you won't miss the differences between the holo bits!
2 coats Jade is the New Black, 1 coat Illusion D'or, click for super macro:
Soldiers Once Were
An Englishman, he served Australia in the second World War, first in the Middle East and later on the
Kakoda Trail in Papua New Guinea. Captured and tortured by the Japanese. He somehow managed to make it back home to his wife and 3 children.
Mental and Physical illness plagued him for the remainer of his life.
He was my father and I was born long after his return .....
He was an American Marine wounded and awarded the Purple Heart in the Vietnam War. He almost lost his arm in action. And still has shrapnel encased in his chest. He spent time in Japanese and American hospitals. He also, retains the Mental and Physical effects of war.
He is my husband.
On the 25th April, Australia Remembers the gallant hero's. Those valliant men and women who sacrificed themselves so that we, may live in peace and security.
This year that day fall's on a Sunday. It will begin with a dawn service and a march through the streets of every City and Town. Monday will be a National Holiday of rememberance.
The Ode To The Fallen:
They shall not grow old, as we that are left grow old.
Age shall not weiry them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun, and in the morning.
Kakoda Trail in Papua New Guinea. Captured and tortured by the Japanese. He somehow managed to make it back home to his wife and 3 children.
Mental and Physical illness plagued him for the remainer of his life.
He was my father and I was born long after his return .....
He was an American Marine wounded and awarded the Purple Heart in the Vietnam War. He almost lost his arm in action. And still has shrapnel encased in his chest. He spent time in Japanese and American hospitals. He also, retains the Mental and Physical effects of war.
He is my husband.
On the 25th April, Australia Remembers the gallant hero's. Those valliant men and women who sacrificed themselves so that we, may live in peace and security.
This year that day fall's on a Sunday. It will begin with a dawn service and a march through the streets of every City and Town. Monday will be a National Holiday of rememberance.
The Ode To The Fallen:
They shall not grow old, as we that are left grow old.
Age shall not weiry them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun, and in the morning.
"Vigil" Pre-dawn Memorial Service Held Yearly In Commemoration.
The Eternal Flame Burn's
Ray Pictured This Morning With The Fresh Floral Tributes. He will take part in the honourable march with all the other Vietnam Veterans. I take part to remember my father (Second World War) and grandfather (First World War).
25th April 2010 ANZAC DAY REMEMBERED..
John 15:13. "Greater Love Hath No Man, Than He Lay Down His Life For His Brother."
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Be out there
According to the National Wildlife Federation. today's kids spend only four to seven minutes outside per day. They log more than seven hours per day in front of electronic media.Make a difference in the health and well-being of our children--and feel the difference that it makes in you.Join the Be Out There™ movement and spend more time outdoors.Visit to learn more!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Happy Earth Day my friends!Today marks the 40th anniversary of Earth Day which was started in 1970. We as inhabitants of Earth can all make a difference each day and not just on Earth Day!Please watch and listen to this video by Jordon ChenSource: Earth Protect
What Earth day means to my family
Thursday, April 22nd is Earth day. It marks 40 years since Earth day was created. I was five years old when it started. I do not remember much it then as a child but since being a mother, I have seen some changes.One of the most important things I can do as a parent is teach my children to be caretakers of our planet by learning about Nature and the world around us. When we started our Nature
Healthy Liver.....Healthy Heart
What you eat is what you are. Eat Fruit (with nuts) at least an hour PRIOR other food. It curbs the appetite and cleanses the digestive tract.
Fruit and water, are wonderful for the liver.
The liver is your toxin eliminater......
Overeating of certain foods increases cholesterol which if unused causes plaque in the arteries.
We all know down the track that plaque can cause heart attacks or stroke...
So what's the reason for cholesterol?
Cholesterol is a fat (lipid) particle that circulates in the blood. It is a building block for cell membranes and is essential for the formation of bile. So there IS a plausable reason for cholesterol. A blood test reveals Cholesterol levels:
HDL is Good!
LDL is Bad!
Fruit and Vegetables are the way to go... LIVE FOODS
More Plain Water
More fish ....Omega 3 Oils
Less Meat .............. DEAD FOOD
Good foods de-fat your liver.
A Healthy Liver is a Healthy You!
There is much said about eating foods in the Bible..
These are only a couple.
Ezekiel 47:12 "Their fruit will serve for food and their leaves for healing.
Numbers 11:5 We remember the fish we ate in Egypt. ......also cucumbers, leeks, onions and garlic...
ONIONS placed in rooms when people are sick...will actually absorb toxins. Keeping health.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Earth Day fun
BOOKS to read BULLETIN BOARD IDEASFor a bulletin board make a large earth have each child trace their hands and ask each child one thing they can do on it to save the Earth. Write or help children write it on the hand tracing. Put the hands around the Earth and write "The Future of our Earth is in Our Hands"GROUP ACTIVITIES1. Plant a tree - you can get seedlings from a local nursery (usually for
Hello Ladies...welcome to my humble nest
Come inside and browse a while
We are here to learn from one another
To be stimulated and refreshed
Jesus gave the greatest command as LOVE..
Ephesians 5:2
And it is...Unconditional... Bless you!
Come inside and browse a while
We are here to learn from one another
To be stimulated and refreshed
Jesus gave the greatest command as LOVE..
Ephesians 5:2
And it is...Unconditional... Bless you!
Catching up on NOTD's
I know I've totally been slacking with posting the NOTD's, but I'm still (mostly) keeping up with them between homework. So here's what I was wearing this past week:
The Summer Days collection continues to impress me! I totally love Raspberry Festival. At first I thought it was too red, but it's a perfect raspberry color so I really can't complain. I loved the shimmer in it! This was with 2 coats though I probably should have done 3.

For my birthday last Wednesday I pulled out Essie Greenport, which I was saving in my untrieds for a special occasion. And it made me feel so awesome on by birthday! The color completely lived up to all the hype that surrounded it and totally lived up to how awesome I had built it up in my head. I'm really glad I was able to get the Essie, but I've heard L'oreal came out with a collection of 3 exact dupes for the North Fork collection. I'm still hunting them down to have back ups! This was with 3 curse-filled coats (how much do you hate that teeny tiny F^%@ing brush?!) to cover the initial streakiness. I didn't like the overall look of 3 coats, it always looks to thick on my nails.

And finally the NOTD that I'm on day #4 of, OPI Lunch at the Delhi. I adore this. On my super pale cool toned skin, depending on the light I see red to sometimes orange, but most of the day in normal light It's a perfect dusty warm toned coral. This was 2 coats but I probably should have done 3 here also. I hate how white my nail line is!

Also don't forget to enter my Great Barrier Reef giveaway! You can come back every day for an extra chance to win :D
The Summer Days collection continues to impress me! I totally love Raspberry Festival. At first I thought it was too red, but it's a perfect raspberry color so I really can't complain. I loved the shimmer in it! This was with 2 coats though I probably should have done 3.
For my birthday last Wednesday I pulled out Essie Greenport, which I was saving in my untrieds for a special occasion. And it made me feel so awesome on by birthday! The color completely lived up to all the hype that surrounded it and totally lived up to how awesome I had built it up in my head. I'm really glad I was able to get the Essie, but I've heard L'oreal came out with a collection of 3 exact dupes for the North Fork collection. I'm still hunting them down to have back ups! This was with 3 curse-filled coats (how much do you hate that teeny tiny F^%@ing brush?!) to cover the initial streakiness. I didn't like the overall look of 3 coats, it always looks to thick on my nails.
And finally the NOTD that I'm on day #4 of, OPI Lunch at the Delhi. I adore this. On my super pale cool toned skin, depending on the light I see red to sometimes orange, but most of the day in normal light It's a perfect dusty warm toned coral. This was 2 coats but I probably should have done 3 here also. I hate how white my nail line is!
Also don't forget to enter my Great Barrier Reef giveaway! You can come back every day for an extra chance to win :D
Monday, April 19, 2010
Happy Birthday've come a long way.
Daniella with her big brother, my son Peter.
It's my daughter Daniella's birthday to-day... "Buon Compliano Bella Mia." .
She is my second youngest and my WILD child.
When growing up she had all the boys bluffed, no one dared say the wrong word for fear of her volatile temper. In High School her face reigned almost every photo lining the Principals Office wall. A champion athlete, baseball player and the lead soprano, she represented her school at the Sydney Opera House.
But instead of a career, she opted for an early marriage.
After the birth of her 2 son's she suffered a miscarriage and then the death of a premature baby boy who only lived 10 days. He passed away on a Christmas Eve... a difficult memory.
The marriage was violent with shocking abuse. Finally she broke free and fled with her son's to another state.
Today she has a lifetime of memories.
Yet overcome she has. Currently she is studying for a Double Degree in Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education.
Nevertheless, her greatest acheavement has been the strength of her faith.
"Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock. And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat upon that house, and it fell not; for it was founded upon a rock (Christ Jesus)."
Matthew7:24-25. "On Christ her solid Rock she stands, all other ground is sinking sand!"
It's my daughter Daniella's birthday to-day... "Buon Compliano Bella Mia." .
She is my second youngest and my WILD child.
When growing up she had all the boys bluffed, no one dared say the wrong word for fear of her volatile temper. In High School her face reigned almost every photo lining the Principals Office wall. A champion athlete, baseball player and the lead soprano, she represented her school at the Sydney Opera House.
But instead of a career, she opted for an early marriage.
After the birth of her 2 son's she suffered a miscarriage and then the death of a premature baby boy who only lived 10 days. He passed away on a Christmas Eve... a difficult memory.
The marriage was violent with shocking abuse. Finally she broke free and fled with her son's to another state.
Today she has a lifetime of memories.
Yet overcome she has. Currently she is studying for a Double Degree in Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education.
Nevertheless, her greatest acheavement has been the strength of her faith.
"Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock. And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat upon that house, and it fell not; for it was founded upon a rock (Christ Jesus)."
Matthew7:24-25. "On Christ her solid Rock she stands, all other ground is sinking sand!"
Her Testimony at Rainbow Beach.
Up the in the tree...
Pictured here at about age 14yrs with her cousin's and brother Lee (the smallest)
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Week in Review for April 12 - 16, 2010
Week 26We began our week with our two week study on Australia. We read books on the continent and country, it's history, people, art and music.We did not get to do our Nature Studies this week due to heavy rain but hopefully next week we can. For those who do not know: My sons are nicknamed “Turtle” age 4 and “Godzilla Boy”age 10.Subjects the boys covered together this week:SHARED READINGWe read
ANCEL KEYS & His Phoney Fat Myth !

We've all been fed a diet of Bull about saturated fat by nutritional scientists who just KNOW they are right, regardless of the evidence. They and the medical profession have been duped into believing and disseminating one big unhealthy myth that "Saturated Fat Causes Heart Disease." This demonetization of saturated fat began in 1953 with Dr Ancel Keys' publication of a paper comparing fat intake and heart disease mortality. He even convinced the American Heart Foundation with his combination of dodgy science and force of personality to promote carbs over fat in dietary advice. So strong was his spell that the repeated failure of large clinical studies to back his claims has made no difference.
This unethical bum used epidemiological studies to prove that fat was bad, but out of the numerous populations he studied he left out the ones that did not prove his point, such as France and Switzerland. He "cherry-picked" his facts! By the early 1960's the promotion of the low at diet gained momentum and was causing havoc with our health. The idea that saturated fat is bad for your heart became so ingrained in the health community, that anyone daring enough to question this dogma was viewed as a quack, regardless of the evidence saying that SATURATED FAT IS NOT THE CAUSE OF HEART DISEASE !
It was Dr Keys that began the rise in Trans Fats in our foods by relentlessly promoting that animal fats were bad and vegetable fats were good. So margarine and partially hydrogenated vegetable oils became the fats of choice and the surge in diabetes, cancer and heart disease began and now are our biggest killers. Medical scientists now know that the shunning and replacement of saturated fat with a higher carbohydrate intake, particularly refined carbs (in sugars & processed foods) can exacerbate insulin resistance and obesity, increase triglycerides and small LDL particles and reduce beneficial HDL cholesterol.
Your body needs some amount of saturated fat to stay healthy. What you don't need however, are Trans Fats and High Fructose Corn Sugar in excess of 15 grams a day. With the average person now consuming 75 gms of fructose (mainly in sweets and sodas) one can understand why we have an obesity epidemic. Dr Keys' Fat Myth has done untold damage to people's health for so long. His only good accomplishment was his inventing "K" (after Keys) Rations for the military.
The way I see it... for a life-time of good health you simply have to reduce and than eliminate processed foods while lowering your intake of sugar and carbs. The saturated fats you'll be consuming in your diet provide a concentrated source of energy and provide the building blocks of cell membranes and a variety of hormones. They slow down absorption so you can go longer without feeling hungry and they act as as carriers for important fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K. So go ahead and enjoy your meats, dairy products(butter, cheese, milk, cream), and cook with high-heat tolerating Rice and Coconut oils.....GUILT FREE !
My Sacred Sunday Joyful Contribution
My mother and I
I must feature my mother here. And to all the mothers of the world, thank you for giving life.
God gives strict instructions in Exodus 20:12.
"Honour thy father and thy mother; that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy GOD giveth thee."
Note: There is no claus saying, If they give you all you want!
If they are perfect only.
If they don't abuse you.
No, the instruction is clear. HONOUR. (respect and give credit)
Unfortunately some parents are so bad, that one may wonder.......
However, without them, we wouldn't be.
My own mother is now 92yrs old and legally blind.
She lives alone in a Retirement village by choice.
A few months back I went to care for her, the poor darling had shingles.
Putting her onto Muti-B vitamins has assisted her quick recovery.
Mum used to play the church organ....and piano at home.
Following the breakdown of my first marriage I'd go and spend much healing time with mum.
She felt, a good soak in her deep bath was the answer. So in I'd pop and lay while she played beautiful old hymns. Listening to her sing the words, caused tears of release to flow. ....
"What a friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and griefs to bear.
What a privilege to carry, everything to God in prayer."
Thank you Mum for the faith in HIM... that you bestowed.
Mummy(Emilee`) today with Grand daughter Shiarn.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Australian Musical Instrument: Didgeridoo
This month we we are learning about Australia as part of our Geography: Learning about our World. For two to three weeks we be doing an Australian unit study.Today, we are learning about the musical instruments of Australia and today we read about one of the oldest musical instruments by the Aboriginal People known as the Didgeridoo.The Didgeridoo ♫♪ ♫♪The didgeridoo (also: didgeridu, yidaki) is
Great Barrier Reef Giveaway
Sorry, it's not an underwater snorkeling adventure, but it's the next best thing!

It's giveaway time! Thanks to everyone who voted for a Coral themed giveaway, but the other choices in the poll I had got some love too, so I decided to combine them all. What's a more picturesque backdrop for Summer time than a coral reef? The aquatic life, the waves of the ocean, the mythical mermaids... I used all of these images as inspiration and put together a wardrobe of 11 awesome colors.
So here are the players! Flyin' High, My Chihuahua Bites, Happy Go Lucky
Japanese Koi, Atlantis, Love & Beauty Coral

Hot & Spicy, Caribbean Blue, High Hopes
Charla and Coral. Pictures taken from Google since these two are being slow in the mail!

How to enter:
1. You must be a follower of the blog to enter! New followers are welcome to join. Just leave a comment with your email address on this post to place an entry. You can enter once per day, so come back for extra chances to win!
2. Blog about it! Mention the Great Barrier Reef Giveaway on your blog and leave me a comment with a link to the post for an entry. You can do this up to 3 times for extra entries.
3. Tweet about it! Click the new Follow Me on Twitter link in the sidebar and retweet the "Barrier Reef Giveaway" tweet. This will count once per day as an extra entry.
4. If you follow me on Twitter, let me know in the comments for an extra entry. This one will only count once.
5. Entries will be accepted from now until the end of April 24. Contest is open to everyone, including international readers. I will pick a winner at random from all the entries!
*Pictures of the reef, Zoya Charla and RBL Coral were taken from Google, not my images!

It's giveaway time! Thanks to everyone who voted for a Coral themed giveaway, but the other choices in the poll I had got some love too, so I decided to combine them all. What's a more picturesque backdrop for Summer time than a coral reef? The aquatic life, the waves of the ocean, the mythical mermaids... I used all of these images as inspiration and put together a wardrobe of 11 awesome colors.
So here are the players! Flyin' High, My Chihuahua Bites, Happy Go Lucky
Hot & Spicy, Caribbean Blue, High Hopes

How to enter:
1. You must be a follower of the blog to enter! New followers are welcome to join. Just leave a comment with your email address on this post to place an entry. You can enter once per day, so come back for extra chances to win!
2. Blog about it! Mention the Great Barrier Reef Giveaway on your blog and leave me a comment with a link to the post for an entry. You can do this up to 3 times for extra entries.
3. Tweet about it! Click the new Follow Me on Twitter link in the sidebar and retweet the "Barrier Reef Giveaway" tweet. This will count once per day as an extra entry.
4. If you follow me on Twitter, let me know in the comments for an extra entry. This one will only count once.
5. Entries will be accepted from now until the end of April 24. Contest is open to everyone, including international readers. I will pick a winner at random from all the entries!
*Pictures of the reef, Zoya Charla and RBL Coral were taken from Google, not my images!
* * SOME SNAKE * *
Driving home from church in the dark my headlights hit on a large long thick object crossing the road. Slowing my speed I sat in horror watching the humungas python slither the last few metres to escape into bushland. Wow! that was some snake... I shook my head in disbelief. It was the biggest I'd ever set eyes on! And to top it off I'd noticed the bulge emphasising some poor unsuspecting animal had become its meal. Owning a little dog myself I felt sick wondering who would be missing their pet come morning.
One disgruntled sheep farmer installed an electric fence to stop his sheep going missing.
These photos show a surprise at what he caught.
The Diamond Head Snake can give a nasty bite, even leaving teeth behind in the victim
However, they are non venomous, killing their prey by strangulation.
They are noctural staying under houses, in roofs or up trees during the day.
Their length measures from 2-4 metres or 6 1/2 to over 13 feet long.....
Some people keep them as pets. My advice is, stay safe and don't trust!
Below is my grandson Luke with two of his special treasures.....
Unusual pets....but not harmful...
* Thou wilt keep in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Thee.
Isaiah 26:3
One disgruntled sheep farmer installed an electric fence to stop his sheep going missing.
These photos show a surprise at what he caught.
The Culprit
However, they are non venomous, killing their prey by strangulation.
They are noctural staying under houses, in roofs or up trees during the day.
Their length measures from 2-4 metres or 6 1/2 to over 13 feet long.....
Some people keep them as pets. My advice is, stay safe and don't trust!
Below is my grandson Luke with two of his special treasures.....
Unusual pets....but not harmful...
* Thou wilt keep in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Thee.
Isaiah 26:3
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Rock Art and Books on Aboriginal Australians
This week the boys and I are "traveling" (by books and video) to learn about Australia. On Tuesday we learned about the country's states and territories as well as the Australian National Anthem.On Wednesday and Thursday (our second and third day of our Australian Study) we used the book Aboriginal Australians (Indigenous Peoples) by Diana Marshall to learn about the original inhabitants of the
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
You may not know Me, but I know everything about you. Psalms 139:1
I know when you sit down and when you rise up. Psalm 139:2
I am familiar with all of your ways. Psalms 139:3
Even the very hairs on your head are numbered. Matthew 10:29-31
For you are made in My image. Genesis 1:27
In Me you live and move and have your being. Act 17:28
I knew you before you were conceived! Jeremiah 1:4-5
I chose YOU when I planned creation. Ephesians 1:11-12
You were not a mistake, for all your days were written in my book. Psalms 139:15-16
I determined the exact time of your birth and where you would live. Acts 17:26
You are fearfully and wonderfully made. Psalm 149:13
I knitted you together in your mothers womb. Psalm 138:13
And brought you forth on the day you were born. Psalm 71:16
So now you much I love you!
I recently gave the boys haircuts with our new haircut kit and when I took this photo it just reminds me of all the years I have taken photos of them together.In each of these photos below, I see the love they share between them as brothers. I can see how much my first son loves his baby brother and how through the years that love has grown between them. I could not help by add their recent
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
G'day Australia
This week the boys and I are "traveling" (by books and video) to learn about Australia. Today we are learning about the country's states and territories as well as the Australian National Anthem.Australia, nicknamed the "Land Down Under,", is a country, an island and a continent. It is the world's smallest continent and the sixth-largest country. It is located in the Southern Hemisphere, between
RGB Haze
It's so rare to come across a Perfect 10 polish, but this is one of them! It applied flawlessly, the color is so loveably shroomy, and the shine on this is seriously epic. This took 2 coats, and the finish on it is somewhere between opaque and jelly, the only word I can think to describe it is "milky". I absolutely adore everything about Haze! RGB is still a new brand to me, this is my 2nd time ordering from them. I went for Haze and Steel and they arrived in 3 days. A big plus is the company always offers free shipping! I'm surprised they don't get more love, maybe it's because they have a limited color range, but several months ago they did come out with a color for the new mint trend. I'm hoping they come out with more colors soon (maybe a turquoise?), but until then I'm loving my small RGB collection!
Without flash:

With flash:
Without flash:
With flash:
Monday, April 12, 2010
Miracles Happen---So, Never Give Up Hope!
He was born at Taronga Zoo, Sydney on the 7th March this year.
His name is Pathi Harn, an Asian name meaning Miracle.....
Taronga Zoo sits on the side of Sydney Harbour. This giraffe looks towards the city.
He was nicknamed Mr Shuffles to begin with as he found it had to get along.
The Miracle: The baby had been preserved in a coma type rest inside the mother during her long labour. If this had not happened, then the placenta would have detached from the uterus wall causing the baby to die.
His name is Pathi Harn, an Asian name meaning Miracle.....
Taronga Zoo sits on the side of Sydney Harbour. This giraffe looks towards the city.
Pregnant Asian Elephant Hong Dee came into labour with her first calf following 22 months gestation. It was a gruelling time. After 5 days her waters finally broke yet still no sign's of the calf appearing. By now the cow was in agony,twisting, crawling, climbing and rolling as time progressed, yet she uttered no sound. Keepers kept a helpless vidual after the Zoo Vet performed an ultasound and announced....NO MOVEMENT. All were sad. Even the other elephants paid the first time mother no heed..... they seemed to understand! To perform a C-section was out of the question as success rates are low and the cow usually dies. Nothing could be done, they simply had to wait on natures own time. Knowing it could be weeks or months for the expulsion the keepers gave up their observation. At about 5am on the seventh day, the video camera's recorded the birth. Not still born as imagined but alive...... The mother kept tender watch over her baby, occassionally prodding to encourage him to stand. Hours later keepers arrived to discover the live, but very fragile little fellow. Watched by the mother they worked massaging his body and assisting him to stand. Colostrum extracted from the mother was tube fed directly into the baby's stomach, to give valuable first life assistance.
The Miracle: The baby had been preserved in a coma type rest inside the mother during her long labour. If this had not happened, then the placenta would have detached from the uterus wall causing the baby to die.
Friends came to visit and he had a playmate.
Soon the weakest began to find his strength and started to throw his weight around.
Now he weighs 156 Kilos or 344 lbs.
The Moral Is: At the slightest sign of survival never give up the fight and never give up HOPE.
God's Word tells us in: Ecclesiates 3:1-2 "There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every event under Heaven. A time to give birth and a time to die".....
This little elephant didn't know how to worry, but he does know how to live.....For he is a MIRACLE...
A warm welcome to R Cubes.
Thankyou for following.
May God bless your coming in and going out.
And keep you ever safe in Him.
Crystal Mary
Thankyou for following.
May God bless your coming in and going out.
And keep you ever safe in Him.
Crystal Mary
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Here Come the Carbon Cops !

Beware Australia! This can be bigger than Kevin Rudd's Carbon Caps if these people get their way. Australia's has its fair share of Hippies, Tree-Huggers and Greenies but Super Greenies are another story. These are professional "WATERMELONS" who are so Green on the Outside but oh so RED on the Inside. These Commie-leaning bastards have money and are trying to use their Power to tell you how to enjoy a restricted you can Save-the-Planet!!
In this context, such deprivations of freedom are just fine even for the far left's feelings about civil liberty encroachment. In fact, the global warming agenda poses a far greater threat to individual liberties than most imagine. As columnist Mark Steyn notes, "It's fascinating to observe how almost any old totalitarian racket becomes respectable once it's cloaked in enviro-hooey!"
The Carbon Sense Coalition in Australia wants the government and business community to acknowledge the role that agricultural soils can play in addressing the Global Warming crisis. They say that farmers can play a central role in sequestering carbon in soils fostering deep-rooted plant species. They say this carbon-sink approach is better than growing forests. To further their "philosophy of dirt", they have offered the following compilation of proposals to use the country's laws to modify our behavior in the name of global warming:
- Ban open fires and pot bellied stoves
- Ban coal-fired power generation
- Ban Plasma and LCD TVs
- Ban new and extensions to airports
- Ban "standby mode" on appliances
- Ban electric hot water systems
- Ban vacationing by car
- Ban three day weekends
- Tax big cars (are big people next?)
- Tax supermarket parking areas
- Tax holiday plane flights
- Tax second cars and motorcycles
- Tax babies (their needs require a large carbon footprint)
- Eco-tax for cars entering cities
- Require permits to drive beyond your city's limits
- Limit choice in appliances available
- Dictate fuel usage standards
- Remove white lines on roads to make motorists drive more carefully (no kidding!)
Of course, these restrictions in practice will be upon the masses, not the elitist committee, who will continue to commute in private cars and private jets (right Mr Gore ?) and claim phoney reductions when it suits them to nag others. You can see the warmist agenda, even down here in Australia, threatens to undermine our freedom and the world's economic and social order. Welcome to the new MIDDLE AGES!
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Way out back of beyond...........where dreams are dreamed.
Paradise is permitted to reign supreme.
Children are children running unrestained and free
Learning to cherish nature, back to basics be.
The screaching white cockatoo
Outlive us all.
Nature may nurture with no threat to call.
Bungle Bungles
Orange and black beehive shaped domes amaze the eye.
And finally, ocean meets sky.
Psalms 100:1-5 "Shout with joy to the Lord all the earth!
Worship the Lord with gladness.
Come before him with singing and joy.
Acknowledge that the Lord is God.
He made us and we are His.
We are His people, the sheep of His pasture.
Enter His gates with thanksgiving.
Give thanks to the Lord and praise His name......
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